Page 5 - Sample Life STD LTD Enrollment kit
P. 5

Now Available to
                                                           [Sample Company Employees]:

                                                   Life and AD&D insurance with affordable group rates

                                             Provide for your loved ones.

      The Lincoln Term                       And yourself.
      Life and AD&D                          Life goes on, even after you’re gone. Now you can help ensure the life you

      Insurance Plan:                        started — and the people you started it with — go on without you.

                                             Here’s how this important coverage works.
      •  Provides a cash benefit to your
                                             1.  If you die, the loved ones you designate receive a cash benefit through
        loved ones in the event of your
                                                your term life insurance. You can secure [up to $000,000] in guaranteed
        death                                   coverage without providing evidence of insurability (documentation of your
                                                health history, which can include a statement from a physician or a medical
      •  Provides an additional cash            examination). Or, you can get [up to 0 times your annual salary ($000,000
                                                maximum)] by providing evidence of insurability.
        benefit to your loved ones if you
                                             2.  If your death is the result of a covered accident, your loved ones receive [an
        die — or to you if you lose a limb      additional cash benefit of the same amount] through your AD&D coverage.

        or your eyesight — in a covered
                                             3.  If you are severely injured in a covered accident (losing a limb or your eyesight,
        accident                                for example), you receive a cash benefit of [50% of your term life insurance
                                                amount] through your AD&D coverage.
      •  Features group rates for              Coverage is also available for your spouse[/domestic partner] and dependent

        [Sample employees]                      children. A complete Summary of Benefits is included on the next few pages.
                                             Here are some expenses to consider.
      •  Includes LifeKeys® services,
                                             When deciding how much coverage you may need, keep in mind the types of
        which provide access to
                                             expenses your loved ones could face. For example:
        counseling, financial, and legal
                                             • Everyday expenses such as the rent/mortgage, groceries, utilities, and medical costs
        support services                     • Debt such as a home loan, car loan, credit cards, and student loans
                                             • Future expenses such as education, retirement, weddings, and travel
      •  Also includes TravelConnect
                                             Here’s how little you pay with group rates.
        services, which give you
                                             •  A 39-year-old [employee] can get [$000,000] of life insurance and [$000,000]
        and your family access to              of AD&D insurance for just [$0.00 a month] without providing evidence of
        emergency medical help when            insurability.

        you’re traveling                     •  The [employee’s] spouse[/domestic partner] and dependent children can be
                                               covered, as well, for just a little more each month.

                                               See the Summary of Benefits for coverage amounts and [monthly] premiums.
      [Complete and return
      your Enrollment Form by
      Month XX, 2017.]
                                              No money is due at enrollment. Your premium simply comes out of your paycheck.
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