Page 5 - Love-of-Music-Magazine-winter-2019
P. 5
Letter from the Publisher - N. Wayne Bell
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for a message
from Wayne Bell
(and his banjo).
Interview with Publisher Wayne Bell
K. Neal, MO Press Member Establish a magazine to support, inspire and encourage oth-
What do you like about publishing? ers to ‘pick up their banjo’ and start their own musical jour-
Bell: To me publishing is about being an individual, ney. No better time than the present to get something done.
being who you are and loving people. Standing up for what With the digital technology, our talented dedicated staff and
you believe in, being able to accurately reflect what others commitment to the industry, we build this magazine for the
say and believe in. Helping people at times, holding oth- reader, the artists, to represent musicians, to highlight peo-
er people to account, being non-judgmental, accepting the ple, to offer a helping hand. Having an avenue of creating
diversity of people, appreciating people, and again, never new products and bringing them to life, that is what wakes
being judgmental. Standing against the grain, asking the me up in the morning, keeps me motivated, the creativity.
hard questions, being able to say this is who I am and this
is what I do. Putting ink on paper became a way of life, a Neal: I Googled “Wayne Bell Coloring Books”
way to earn money. You can have discussions, conversations thousands of articles in hundreds of newspapers,
that continue on for years. I have met people who say, they radio, TV stations across the globe. Your coloring books?
believe there is no God - therefore it doesn’t matter what we
do to each other. That would NOT be me, it does matter. The Bell: This is a question? I think most of to-what you are
real story it never ends - until it’s really over. Publishing. referring are called opinion pieces. There will al-
ways be the eternal victims and drama queens of
“Better to be hated for what-you-are, than to be life, this is America, you cannot create anything
loved for what-you-are-not. It’s a proud moment worth something without detractors, haters or jelly
when someone puts you on their hate list”.
Wayne Bell, Publisher bellies. Seriously, you are a journalist; do you think everyone
likes you? People understand books, magazines, songs,
Neal: Why a music magazine? they know the printed word is meaningful, words
Bell: Music to me is telepathic in color and sound. Music is arouse the mind make you think. To create music, to play
based on the chormatic scale, origin of Greek word chroma music in a band, it can be very intimate in an indescribable way.
meaning color and I think it is about the same language, or People can become sensitive, guarded, hateful even angry and
seeing ear to ear if you will. One day I was saying it would deceitful no matter what you do or say. It’s people, their own
be great to have a banjo. Our COO took the initiative, opinions, just don’t let them get out of control. I love music
went to a music store, bought me a banjo, laid it on my and the people in the music industry.
desk, smiled and said “go for it.” An awesome start to a
new journey. My banjo is so colorful and beautiful, it makes Neal: We read about people who have tried to hurt you,
me see things I did not know were possible. I feel love when harm your company, even your staff?
I play the banjo and it makes me smile. We are building Bell: Okay, I have a few detractors. On rare occassion,
this music magazine for others in hopes that we can inspire
or help people feel their own inner love. Interview Continued On Page 24
Scan QR code for a “Speak when you are angry and “The harmony of a
message from Johnny Saint. great relationship,
you will make the best speech you rests within the notes
will ever regret.” of honesty, integrity
and character. “
Mark Twain - Missouri’s Son Wayne Bell | 3