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                                                                    OUR QUALITY


                                                                          ASPET; Jars and bottle caps
                                                                          are produced with the latest
                                                                          technology       in    automatic
                                                                          machines. Our goal is to
                                                                          produce quality products,
                                                                          products are guaranteed  to
                                                                          be leakproof, glass-like shine
                                                                          and strength is our indication
                                                                          to our work.

          ASPET believes that internal and external communication is vital, provided that it is
          carried out with sound and appropriate methods. To this end, both the internal and
          external communication channels are kept open and the communication tools and
          methods used are taken into consideration for the proper and proper communication.
          The mechanism of auto control is the internal suggestions, complaints, etc. It ensures
          that the messages are correctly detected and that feedback is provided.

        We want you to know that   To give importance to   We continuously improve   To comply with the   As a company to provide
        your reference is the best   ensure that all the   and improve our product   requirements of our   services in line with
        advertising for us, and that   products we produce are   quality and customer   quality management   customers’
        your satisfaction is the most   respectful to the   satisfaction with the   system and to ensure   Being one of the
        basic source for our   environment and human   understanding of   continuous improvement   organizations that always
        motivation. We are at your   health in hygienic   participation of all our   of its effectiveness,  have the principle of
        service to increase your   conditions and can be   employees,                          making standart and high
        competitive power with our   used with confidence,                                      quality production takes
        quality and healthy                                                                    part in our company’s basic
        packaging models.                                                                      goals and principles.

         ASPET; Jars and bottle caps are produced with the latest technology in automatic
         machines. Our goal is to produce quality products, products are guaranteed to be
         leakproof, glass-like shine and strength is our indication to our work.
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