Page 30 - Loeb Pitch Book Oct
P. 30

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                            A Division of Loeb Consulting Group, LLC   0



     The Urgency of Succession Planning

     By: Natalie Loeb, Gordon Loeb & David B. Sarnoff, Esq.

     Succession planning in the corporate world is vital to the survival of   production. culture and leadership.  Succession planning
     the entity beyond the involvement of its founders - does your firm   is not an easy undertaking and requires strong leadership. a
     have a plan for future leadership? For companies that sell products,   supportive culture, humility, objectivity and the absence of
     proprietary programs and services, succession of leadership   outsized egos.  Given the fact that many law firms are controlled
     typically doesn't affect the quality of the product or service.   by the individuals who produce the most revenue. or their closely
     However, law firms and other professional service companies can   associated allies, succession planning can present difficult
     be greatly impacted by the death or departure of a highly skilled   challenges to initiating the planning process.
     practitioner or rainmaker.  Many law firms are created by
     individuals who either have an expertise in a specific practice area   According to David Robert, a leading Organizational Development
     and/or have established relationships that produce revenues to   Professional who has substantial experience working with law
     sustain the ongoing operation of the firm.  A significant challenge   firms, "effective succession planning is guided by three factors: (1)
     facing law firms, of all sizes, is how to establish a stable business   What role(s) are you focusing on, (2) how will you objectively
     model that can survive and withstand changes in key personnel.
     '      Identification and development of potential successors   develop your successors prior to their transition into the new role?
                                                                 evaluate successor readiness, and (3) how will you engage and
     First, let's start with the definition of "succession planning:"
                                                                 In addressing the first question, the management of a law firm
                                                                 must identify the leadership positions of the firm that need to be
                                                                 staffed and sustained in order to successfully run the business of
            for key positions in an organization, through a
           systematic evaluation process and training. Unlike    the firm.  Succession planning does not only apply to the attorney
                                                                 side of the firm. it also applies to business services positions such
           replacement planning (which grades an individual solely   as the firm's COO and CHRO.
            on the basis of his or her past performance) succession
           planning is largely predictive in judging an individual for   "Successor readiness." is a key element to planning for the future.
           a position he or she might never have been in.1
                                                                 To properly evaluate an individual's practical legal skills. leadership
                                                                 abilities and assess intangibles such as emotional intelligence
     The goal of any succession plan should be to elevate the most   ("Ei ) requires an objective eye.  Often, rivalries, firm politics and a
     qualified individuals who can maintain and improve the firm's   toxic culture can derail the succession planning process.  In many

     1 Business Dictionary,

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