Page 3 - Ravilla Brochure
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The Ravilla edge a conTinuous
exPerts in Precision engineering
sTReam of expeRTise
Precision & Efficiency are two critical factors in today’s Diverse & Sophisticated industrial world.
Every business needs partners that offer seamless solutions through unparalleled flexibility,
excellent product offering, reliable after sales support & high cost savings to protect their
Since launching our company over a decade ago, Ravilla has set the standard in excellence &
has continuously incorporated the latest technological innovations to meet our customers’ ever-
changing needs. Meticulous attention to quality and detail reflect the attitude of an enthusiastic
and skilled production team, lending confidence to each Ravilla customer of a superior and
dependable product. Ravilla’s best references are our valuable customers who have experienced
the quality and value of the Ravilla family of products.
Ravilla manufactures robust & top of the line solutions for application in the industrial sector; we
BASED on AnD InclUDInG specialize in solutions for the Aerospace, Tyre, Automotive & Textile Industry. With commitment
IsO 9001:2008
| DMU –125 fD –MIll TURn 5 AxIS | GMx 200 lInEAR –TURn MIll 5 AxIS | TURnInG cEnTER to product excellence and customer service that is unmatched, Ravilla’s precision engineering
solutions delivers guaranteed results.