Page 27 - TOF MAG ISSUE 1
P. 27
rAPid biOgrAPHY
Daniel was born and raised in Ivory Coast. Inspired by an impeccably groomed mother working in banking and elegant, fashionista sisters, his interest in fashion and art was sparked early on in life. When he arrived in Lille to study marketing, he joined the books of
a modelling agency. This was his passport to the world of fashion and the reason why he started working out, fine-tuning his selfconfidence and developing that aura that makes love to the camera.
In 2014, he moved to Paris to study luxury marketing and signed up for an MBA in luxury mindset and management.
“When Sylvain presented his project to me, I was immediately taken with the vision, the “Made in France” quality and the idea of a product made by us, for us, with us. This is reflected in the trade name: trends of friends. I naturally wanted to be part of the adventure. Since then, as well as visually representing
the brand, I have developed a real friendship with Fred and Sylvain who are, as I like to affectionately call them, my parents, and I play a consultative role in the brand’s creative processes.
That’s what the TOF Family is all about!”
Instagram: d.carter