Page 29 - TOF MAG ISSUE 1
P. 29
rAPid biOgrAPHY
Alex Risch was born in the Netherlands in 1975. He studied fashion and later made a small side step into musical-theatre. He felt very insecure about himself as a child. He started modelling because friends told him to try it, but his insecurity remained. In 2010 an event changed his life. It made him see how short life can be and take
a look at where he was in life at
that point.
He was always very insecure about his body, so in 2016 he started to work on a healthy-sporty lifestyle, and his mindset about himself.
He started a small business in tailored clothing, and in 2017 moved to Cologne with his dog to be with his fiancé. Hismottoistotrytobeagoodand sincere person and no longer put energy into people who are not worthy of it. Even though his ghosts of the past are still with him,
he keeps working on himself spiritually and physically. You are never too old, and as soon as you start counting your numbers...
you will be that number.
He now is also a Personal Trainer in Cologne and has a small PT firm with his fiancé in Cologne. Instagram: alexwjaarisch