Page 39 - LDC FlipBook demo
P. 39

   The board discussed eliminating Gate #3,
continued upgrading pumps, and building an office maintenance facility.
They began discussions concerning the possibility of extending a new levee to the west of Lawrenceburg.
When they opened bids for three new stairway connections to the levee and the riverfront park, they were stunned at the cost, but eventually awarded the contract to Roy A. Miller and Sons for $167,300. New stairways were built near the River Park, on High Street near Mary, and at the Vance-Tousey House.
American Consulting Engineers were hired to conduct a feasibility study for the proposed west side levee.
The study proved favorable, and ACE was hired to engineer the project at a contract price of $1,775,500.
Plans for the new levee and an added sub district continued into 2002, and by October, a memorandum of agreement had been signed between the US Army Corps of Engineers and LCD.
In December of 2001, the resolution establishing the Greendale sub district passed, with a separate tax levy to be placed on the newly protected area.
Plans had been announced by the Lawrenceburg School Corporation to construct a new Kindergarten-Grade Two building on their campus. Since it would be located in a designate ponding area, Corps of Engineers permission would be required.
Right, clockwise from top left: One of three original motors, providing 200 hp for a pumping capacity of 22,500 gallons per minute. A deep well gathers debris for removal from the retention pond at Todd-Creech Park. Powerful pumps are available 24-7 to remove excess water from inside the levee.

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