Page 41 - LDC FlipBook demo
P. 41

 Sadness overcame the Board of Directors with the death of Larry Miller in September. The board voted to leave his seat empty until the regular December election.
American Consulting Engineers won a $153,000 contract to do predesign work for a brand new pumping
station, which would solve drainage problems for both Greendale and Lawrenceburg. Bids were let for the 2A pump station at a cost of $676,000.
Darrell Poindexter was elected to replace Larry Miller and was sworn in, in January of 2007.
March came and went and it was noted that the billboards had not only been left in place, but that new signs had been placed on them. The board decided
to ask that a contempt citation be issued against the company by the court.
With ample funds available, LCD also agreed to move ahead with projects to alleviate drainage problems at the county fairgrounds and at the campus of Lawrenceburg Community Schools.
The school portion alone would cost $757,972 and the fairgrounds/speedway drainage repairs had been estimated at $2.34 million.
At the request of Main Street Executive Director Pat Krider, LCD approved the purchase of a $10,000 artificial Christmas tree to be used during the annual Winter Wonderland celebration.
Right, clockwise from top left: An aerial view of levee gates, including
the RR floodgate near Hollywood Casino. New US 50 pedestrian and vehicle floodgate as well as new flyover bridge at Tanners Creek. New pedestrian and vehicle floodgate near Hollywood Casino.

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