Page 25 - Winter 2023_Neat
P. 25


                                      “As we enter a new chapter and start a new financial

                                         statement cycle, know that ICBA will be there to
                                   support you with tools, resources, and advocacy efforts.”

                                      The beginning of a new year feels like a   step for our bank?” That’s where ICBA can
                                      fresh start, a new chapter in our stories.   provide support. Whether it’s the
                                      We have a blank page on which we can   information that comes in NewsWatch
                                      write our narrative over the course of the  Today or Independent Banker, convening
                                      year, with new milestones filling the pages  with other community bankers to discuss
                                      ahead. And with 2023, we have no       strategies at ICBA LIVE or proactive
         REBECA                       shortage of adventures awaiting us.    engagement with lawmakers at the
         ROMERO                                                              Capital Summit, we offer opportunities to

         RAINEY                       Consider industry evolution. I’m amazed   not just react but respond to this dynamic
                                                                             environment with your mission and vision
                                      at the pace of change occurring in all
         ICBA President and CEO.
         ACB is the ICBA state affiliate.   areas of financial services, from instant   at the center.
           @romerorainey              payments to more digital solutions and
                                      beyond. This will be a pivotal year for   We have increased our offerings to
                                      embracing new opportunities and        support you and to further differentiate
                                      exploring how we can set ourselves up to  our industry. For example, we have
                                      succeed, even with looming challenges.    moved the ThinkTECH Accelerator in-
                                                                             house to ensure year-round innovation
                                      And think about the uncertainty of the   programming and find new fintech
                                      economic environment. It’s a challenge to  partners who are bringing to market
                                      be sure, but it’s one that community   solutions that respond directly to
                                      banks have previously faced with       community bank needs. We’re expanding
                                      strength. Time and time again, you have   classes and programs provided by
                                      demonstrated resiliency in the face of   Community Banker University, and as the
                                      difficult financial conditions. In fact, this is  government relations team prepares to
                                      when community banks shine, bringing   welcome new members of Congress to
                                      stability to customers simply by being   D.C., they are ready and excited to tell
                                      relationship bankers who see them and   your story and ensure your voices are
                                      know them. Looking at it through a     heard.
                                      different lens, there’s opportunity in this
                                      economic climate: It's a way to double   So, as we enter a new chapter and start a
                                      down on your strengths and unique      new financial statement cycle, know that
                                      people-first approach to banking.      ICBA will be there to support you with
                                                                             tools, resources, and advocacy efforts.
                                      Yet, amid these external influences, you   Together, we will write our 2023 story,
                                      may be asking, “What actions can we take  one that will set community banks up for
                                      to ensure we’re identifying the right next  success.

                                       Where I’ll be this month
                                       I’ll be holding down the fort at ICBA headquarters, helping our government relations
                                       team as we welcome new members of Congress and gearing up for ICBA LIVE .

                                                             A  COMMUNITY BANKER   |    25    |       Winter 2023
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