Page 165 - AG 7-2011 Revised 2016
P. 165


                                          By: Ruben Pabon

   It is important to preface this procedure with a qualification and an explanation
so there will be no misunderstanding.  It is of primary importance that all applications of
pesticides and all other chemical substances be preformed in a totally safe, controlled and
effective manner.

    Always be careful to ensure that any drift from a spray application is properly controlled and
limited to the property and more specifically, the area of that property being treated.  There are
some things that can be done to control drift in light to moderate wind conditions that will allow
for the safe and effective treatment of the property while satisfying the imperative to control

   1. Lower Nozzle Pressure:

                  When spraying with liquid pesticide solutions or other liquid chemical solutions,
                  always keep the nozzle pressure at the lowest possible level that will effectively
                  accomplish the task.

                  Recent university studies show that lower pressures are more effective when
                  applying pesticides.  At low pressure the droplets are larger and heavier and more
                  easily directed to the target area, and the spray will penetrate more deeply.  These
                  larger droplets are not easily carried away by light to moderate winds.

                  When spraying outside, smaller, lighter droplets become airborne quite easily
                  and will travel outside target areas even in still air.  These smaller droplets do not
                  provide good penetration, tending to settle mainly on to top surfaces.

   2. Keep Nozzle Close to the Ground:

                  Keeping the spray wand or nozzle close to the ground will also help keep the
                  droplets from becoming airborne.

   3. Use Alternative Products or Methods:

                  In some cases granular applications could be a viable option.

                  Changing from a power rig application to a hand held sprayer application could
                  insure a more accurate target application.

   4. Spraying Overhead:  Eaves, window casings, into trees, etc.

Stand away from the target and out of the wind to avoid the spray blowing back at you or
dripping onto you.  You must control the drift.

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