Page 171 - Florida Pest Control Examinations
P. 171

HONEY BEE                                          HONEY BEE

                                             Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR                           Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR

               HONEY BEE

                                             Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR                           Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR

             1.Antenna- short                           6.Thorax- holding wings             HONEY BEE
             2.Eyes- 2 compound and 3 simple eyes       7.Petiole- none
             3.Head                                     8.Abdomen- stripes                           6
             4.Legs- 6                                  9.Color- fuzzy yellow brown
             5.Wings- 2 pair                              to black                     2                     8
                                                        10.Other- barbed stinger
             Life Cycle                                                                1
             The queen bee can lay as many as 1500 to 2000 eggs a day, placing one egg   3
             in each cell in the brood comb. Under ordinary conditions, the worker bee has
             a developmental period of about three weeks.  Drones develop in 24 days, and
             queens in 15 days. If drones are kept in a queen-less hive, they live three to
             four months, but normally their lives are very short.  Workers live 5 weeks (dur-  5
             ing peak honey season) to 3 months.
                                                                                                Drawing by Andrew Schaible

            HONEY BEE                                                                        Actual size 5/8”
            Honey Bees are not indigenous to North America but were introduced by early immigrants.
            They are responsible for honey, beeswax and most important of all, the fertilization of many
            of our crop-bearing plants. Bees are social insects living in large colonies of 20,000 to 80,000
            individuals. There are three castes in the bee society: the workers, the queen and the male
            (drones). Most people only see the workers. The queen may live as long as five years, but
            is less productive after the second year.  New queens are reared on “royal jelly”, a special
            secretion, those becoming workers only receive this special mix for three days.
            The Africanized honey bee is closely related to the European honey bee used in agriculture
            for crop pollination and honey production. The two types of bees look the same and their
            behavior is similar in many respects. Neither is likely to sting when gathering nectar and pollen
            from flowers, but both will sting in defense if provoked. A swarm of bees in flight or briefly at
            rest seldom bothers people. However, all bees become defensive when they settle, begin
            producing wax combs and raising young.
            Bees are responsible for more deaths in the United States than any other insect, due to allergic reactions.

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