Page 197 - Florida Pest Control Examinations
P. 197

Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance Applicator Certification
              The Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance (LCLM) Certification Program allows commercial
              landscape maintenance personnel to make pesticide applications (using herbicides, insecticides and
              fungicides) to ornamental plants and plant beds only. It does not allow landscape maintenance work-
              ers to make any kind of pesticide applications (including weed control and/or weed and feed prod-
              ucts) to any turf areas. Furthermore, this certification does not allow or authorize the maintenance
              company or the certificate holder to supervise company employees under their certificate or operate a
              pest control business.
              How to Apply for Examination
              You can apply:
              •      Online :
              •      By mail : e. Application forms and lists of study references are available at no charge on the
              Bureau’s website at:
              Limited Governmental or Private Applicator Certification
              Limited Governmental or Private Applicator Certification is designed for government employees or
              other individuals who make applications of general or restricted use pesticides in, on, around or under
              structures or to the turf or ornamental areas of the property.
              For smaller municipalities and/or companies, each applicator must be individually certified. For
              larger operations, the program has provisions for an employer to hire a Florida Pest Control Certified
              Operator to be in charge of the pest control program and they are responsible for providing training
              and guidance to any applicator(s) in lieu of individual applicator certification.
              How to Apply for Examination
              You can apply:
              •      Online :
              •      By mail : e. Application forms and lists of study references are available at no charge on the
              Bureau’s website at:

              Limited Urban Commercial Fertilizer Applicator Certification
              All commercial fertilizer applicators must be certified by FDACS to make any type of fertilizer ap-
              plication to commercial turf or ornamental areas and/or the turf or ornamental areas of parks or fields
              (other than agricultural areas) and/or the turf or ornamental area of any residential property.
              Prior to issuance of Limited Urban Commercial Fertilizer Applicator Certification, you must provide
              proof of having received training in Green Industry Best Management Practices.
              How to Apply for Examination
              You can apply:
              •      Online :
              •      By mail : e. Application forms and lists of study references are available at no charge on the
              Bureau’s website at:

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