Page 48 - Florida Pest Control Examinations
P. 48

AUSTRALIAN ROACH                          AUSTRALIAN ROACH-Adult

                        MALE            FEMALE

                                            Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR                           Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR

             AUSTRALIAN ROACH                                   AUSTRALIAN ROACH-Nymph

             Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR                                                          Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR

             1.Antenna- long, thin, and hairlike   6.Pronotum- yellow markings          AUSTRALIAN ROACH
             2.Eyes- 2                           7.Petiole- none
             3.Head- facing downward             8.Abdomen- covered by wings              1   6            8
             4.Legs- 6                           9.Color- dark brown
             5.Wings- covered                    10.Other- poor flyer

             Life Cycle                                                                3
             The female produces an egg capsule containing 24 eggs, 16 of which                4
             hatch, taking around 40 days.  Each female will produce between 20 to
             30 of these capsules during her lifetime.  The entire egg to adult process
             requires about one year to complete.  Adults will live from 4-6 months.
                                                                                                 Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR

            AUSTRALIAN ROACH (Periplaneta australasiae)                                   Actual body size 1 1/4”

            The Australian Cockroach is almost identical to the American Cockroach, but is slightly smaller.
            Because of its fairly large size, it is mistakenly called a Palmetto Bug.  They have wings but are
            not very good flyers.  It will often be seen scurrying away in kitchens when the light is turned on.

            The Australian Cockroach is found outdoors in wood piles, leaf mulch, and sewers.  Indoors,
            they are in kitchens, food storage areas, basements, trash areas, walls, attics, garages, and
            greenhouses.  It is an abundant pest throughout Florida, and is mainly a vegetarian unlike most
            other roaches.  When it makes its way inside, it will even eat clothing and books at times.

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