Page 80 - Florida Pest Control Examinations
P. 80


                                            Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR                           Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR

             FORMOSAN TERMITE                                   FORMOSAN TERMITE-NYMPH

                                            Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR                           Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR

             1.Antenna- bead-like segments       6.Thorax-
             2.Eyes- compound                    7.Petiole- none                     FORMOSAN TERMITE
             3.Head- oval / rounded              8.Abdomen- elongated                        SOLDIER
             4.Legs- 6                           9.Color- pale to brown                           1
             5.Wings- on alates, 2 pair, longer than body   10.Other- soldiers have mandibles  2          8
             Life Cycle
             Thousands of Formosan Termites will form swarms, usually in the evenings from April   10
             through July.  These alates are attracted to lights, and then will find a mate.  The new
             king and queen find crevices in wood to start a new colony.  About 20-30 eggs are laid
             in chambers they create.  In 2-4 weeks, the larvae hatch out and are fed by the king   3
             and queen.  Formosan Termites have castes—the soldiers, workers, and reproductives.    4
             As the colony grows, reproductives lay more of the eggs, workers tend the eggs and
             search for food, and soldiers defend the colony.  It takes 3-5 years for a colony to reach
             the large numbers of termites.                                                     Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR

                                                                                             Actual size 1/4”
                   The Formosan Termite is the most destructive type found in the United States.  Some people
            call it the “super termite” because it has extremely large colonies and can do major amounts of damage
            in a relatively short period of time.  The termite is native to the Pacific islands, and was most likely
            brought back to the U.S. on ships returning from World War II.  It infests most of the southeastern
            states and has also been found in California.
                   There can be up to eight million Formosan Termites in a single colony—much larger than any
            other termite colony.  The tunnels and tubes will branch out up to 300 feet in every direction, searching
            for wood to devour.  They will eat anything containing cellulose—plants, lumber and wood products,
            cardboard and paper, etc.  They have been known to chew through foam, some thin metals, plaster,
            and even asphalt to reach food.
                   Formosan Termites look just like any other subterranean termite, with the exception of the
            soldiers.  They have a large, dark mandible (jaw) which can cross and form an “x”.  Despite their fierce
            appearance, their bite is harmless to humans.  A colony of Formosan Termites will contain a larger
            number of soldiers than other types of termites.
            The actual nests (called a “carton” after the hard chew-up material from which they are made) grow
            quite large and have a rock-like appearance.  They must be located near a source of moisture—
            plumbing or roof leaks, watered plants and landscaping, air conditioning condensation, areas where
            puddles form, etc.  They can be located in attics, walls, trees, or even underground.

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