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3. Physical address; MERCHANT GRAIN BEETLE R4-29-211. Certification Examination MERCHANT GRAIN BEETLE
4. Mailing address, if different from the physical address; A. An applicant for applicator certification or QA certification
5. Electronic mail address, if any; shall make arrangements to take the certification examinations
6. Date of birth;
7. Social Security number; by contacting the OPM or the examination service or testing
8. Telephone number; and vendor with which the OPM has contracted.
9. Dated signature of the licensee affirming that: B. The core and category-specific examinations may measure
a. The information provided is true and correct; and knowledge and understanding of the following content areas:
b. The licensee shall not perform pest management services in any 1. Pesticide label and labeling and pesticide types and
category while the license is on inactive status. formulations;
B. An inactive license expires on May 31 unless renewed. To renew Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR 2. Pest identification, life cycles, and habits; Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR
an inactive license, the licensee shall comply with the renewal provi-
sions at R4-29-207 (C) and (D) (See page 97). There is no continuing education requirement to 3. Safety and environmental factors relating to the use, handling, storage, and disposal of
renew an inactive applicator license. pesticides;
C. To activate an inactive applicator license, the licensee shall submit to the Commission: 4. Application techniques, calibration and dilution, and equipment types, uses, and
1. The following information on a form obtained from the Commission: maintenance; and
a. Name; 5. Laws and rules.
b. Applicator license number; C. To be certified, an applicant shall score at least 75 percent on the general standards
c. Categories in which the licensee is licensed; (“core”) examination and on the category-specific examination in each category for which the
d. Physical address; applicant seeks certification.
e. Mailing address, if different from the physical address; D. An applicant who fails an examination may not retake the examination for at least seven
f. Electronic mail address, if any; days or more than two times in a 6-month period.
g. Date of birth; E. An examination score is only valid for the earlier of 12 months from the date of application
h. Social Security number; for certification or 12 months from the examination date.
i. Telephone number; F. The OPM shall void the examination score and deny the application of an applicant that the
j. A statement whether the applicant has ever been convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor and OPM determines cheated on an examination. The applicant may not reapply for one year.
if the answer is yes, a statement whether all convictions have been reviewed by the
Commission and if the answer is no, submit: R4-29-212. Reciprocity
i. A completed Criminal Conviction Supplement form that includes information regarding the Notwithstanding the examination requirements in R4-29-203(C),R4-29-204(G), and
charge, date, jurisdiction and disposition of conviction, and current status; R4-29-211, the director may waive the examination
ii. A copy of documents pertaining to each conviction including court orders and police, requirements in whole or in part for an individual who is certified as an applicator pursuant to
probation, and pre-sentence reports; A.R.S. Title 3, Chapter 2 or by another state.
iii. A complete set of fingerprints; and
iv. The fee for fingerprint processing; R4-29-213. Political Subdivision Responsible Individual
k. A statement whether the applicant has ever had a license or permit to practice structural pest A. A political subdivision that uses pesticides to conduct pest management on property that is
control denied, revoked, or suspended and if the answer is yes, date, jurisdiction taking the ac- owned, leased or managed by the political subdivision, including easements, shall designate
tion, nature of the action, and explanation of the circumstances; an individual or individuals responsible for the following:
l. Name of employer; 1. Responding to inquiries or concerns by the Director or the Director’s designee regarding
m. Employer’s business license number; compliance with A.R.S. Title 32, Chapter 22.
n. Employer’s telephone number; and 2. Identifying for the Director or the Director’s designee where records required by this
o. Dated signature of the licensee affirming that the information provided is true and correct; Chapter are maintained, where personal protection equipment is located, and where
2. The fee required under R4-29-105; (See page 77) and pesticides are stored.
3. Evidence described at R4-29-215 (C) (See page 111) of completing six units of continuing 3. Demonstrating that all applicators are properly certified.
education. B. The political subdivision shall annually submit the following information about the
D. If the Commission determines there may be cause to deny activating an applicator license, responsible individual(s) during the month of May on a form obtained from the Director or the
the Commission shall send a written notice to the applicant specifying the date and time for the Director’s designee:
applicant to appear at a Commission meeting and answer questions. 1. Full name; 2. Physical address; 3. Mailing address, if different from the physical address;
4. E-mail address; 5. Telephone number;
6. Dated signature of the responsible individual(s) affirming that the information provided is
true and correct.
C. If the political subdivision changes its responsible individual(s), the political subdivision
shall provide the information about the new responsible individual(s) listed in subsection
(B) to the Director within 30 days.
D. School districts are exempt from this Section
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