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F. Unless consistent with the label and labeling, an applicator shall DRYWOOD TERMITE a. Treating beyond a depth of four feet will, or reasonably may, DRYWOOD TERMITE
not apply a granulated pesticide that bears the statement “Keep out cause an off-site application;
of the reach of children” in a manner that leaves exposed granules b. Access to the footer is not possible because of its distance
on a patio, step, porch, sidewalk, driveway, or floor. below grade; or
G. An applicator shall clean a pesticide spill in accordance with the c. Treating beyond a depth of four feet will, or reasonably may
pesticide label and labeling and in a manner that minimizes expo- cause an environmental contamination.
sure to humans and other non-target organisms. If a pesticide spill
may endanger humans, an applicator shall clean the pesticide spill 4. If an applicator does not treat a critical area during a
in accordance with recommendations by health and medical per- pretreatment beyond a depth of four feet because the applicator
sonnel and local authorities. determines that one of the exceptions in subsection
H. An applicator shall apply a pesticide at a rate provided by a Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR (D)(3) is applicable, the applicator shall: Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR
Special Local Need registration issued by the Arizona Department
of Agriculture and the pesticide labeling only if the applicator has both the Special Local Need a. Apply the amount of termiticide possible without causing an off-site application or
registration and labeling in the applicator’s possession at the time of application. environmental contamination, and
I. If information regarding provision of a particular pest management service is not available on b. Include evidence of the exception in the treatment record. Evidence of the exception may
the pesticide label or labeling or addressed in the Commission’s statutes or this Chapter, an ap- include:
plicator shall comply with the pesticide manufacturer’s recommendation and the general industry i. A photograph of the interior grade and adjacent location that would or reasonably might be
practice prevailing in the community at the time the pest management service contaminated by treating beyond a depth of four
is provided. feet,
J. If there is a conflict between any provision in this Section and labeling instructions or a ii. A photograph of the site after the pretreatment but before concrete placement,
local ordinance, an applicator shall follow the more specific instruction. iii. A written statement from the general contractor concerning the fill material and compaction
R4-29-305. Performing Wood-destroying Insect Control iv. A written statement from the concrete subcontractor describing the depth of the footer as
A. An applicator shall not perform wood-destroying insect control or fumigation unless the greater than four feet, or
applicator is licensed in Category B2 or B4, respectively, or working under the immediate v. A written compaction rating statement from the engineering subcontractor.
supervision of a supervising applicator or qualifying party who is licensed in Category B2
or B4, respectively. 5. If an applicator is advised before concrete is poured that a treated area is disturbed and the
B. An applicator shall not perform wood-destroying insect control until the business licensee that continuous horizontal or vertical chemical barrier established under subsection (D)(1) is
employs the applicator ensures that: broken, and if the applicator is provided an opportunity to re-treat the disturbed area, the
1. A wood-destroying insect inspection is performed under R4-29-303 (See page 115) by a applicator shall re-treat the disturbed area and re-establish a continuous horizontal and
licensed applicator qualified under A.R.S. § 32-2323 (E), (See page 55) vertical chemical barrier.
2. A treatment proposal is prepared on a form approved by the Commission and contains 6. Immediately after completing a pretreatment, an applicator shall securely affix a tag to the
the information required under A.R.S. § 32-2323(B) and (C), (See page 53&55) and pretreatment site. The applicator shall ensure that the tag is visible, readily available for
3. The treatment proposal is delivered to the person requesting the proposal. inspection, and unlikely to be covered with concrete or soil. If there is a contractor’s permit or
C. An applicator shall apply a termiticide only in the quantity, strength, and dosage, and in inspection board at the pretreatment site, the applicator may affix the tag to the board. The
the manner prescribed on the termiticide label unless otherwise specified by this Chapter applicator shall ensure that the tag contains the following information about the pretreatment:
or a Commission order. a. Name of business licensee;
D. Pretreatment for commercial or residential construction. b. Address of business licensee;
1. Unless a contract between the business licensee and customer specifies additional c. Telephone number of business licensee;
requirements, an applicator shall: d. License number of business licensee;
a. Establish a horizontal barrier of termiticide before any concrete slab under roof is e. Location or address of project;
poured or in conjunction with establishing the footings and supports for a raised foundation; and f. Date of pretreatment application;
b. Establish a vertical barrier of termiticide in all critical areas visible during the time of g. Time that application was started (not time that applicator arrived at the site);
pretreatment. An area is critical at the time of pretreatment if the area is identified as h. Time that application ended (not time that applicator left the site);
critical by the termiticide label or if there is soil in the immediate vicinity of: i. Trade name of pesticide used;
i. A penetration or protrusion through the slab; j. Percentage of active ingredient in the pesticide used;
ii. An observable preset for crack or joint control; k. Number of gallons of chemical preparation applied;
iii. A formed-up change of grade level; l. Square footage of area treated;
iv. Abutting slabs; m. Linear footage of area treated;
v. A bath trap or tear-out; n. Type of slab construction;
o. Name of applicator; and
p. Certification number of applicator or, if not certified, the name and certification number of
the applicator providing immediate supervision.
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