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C. A majority of the commission constitutes a quorum.                           TARANTULA                                  32-2304. Powers and duties                                                      TARANTULA

                   D. All commission meetings and hearings shall be conducted                                                                 A. The director is responsible for administering this chapter
                   according to parliamentary procedure as outlined in the current                                                            and shall:
                   Robert’s Rules of Order.                                                                                                   1. Adopt rules that are necessary or proper to administer and
                                                                                                                                              implement this chapter, including rules that may be more stringent
                   E. Members of the commission are eligible to receive compensation
                   as determined pursuant to section 38-611 for each commission                                                               than a corresponding federal law for:
                   meeting or day of actual service in the business of the commission.                                                        (a) Administrative provisions.
                                                                                                                                              (b) Licensure, certification and registration requirements and

                   32-2304. Powers and duties; executive director                                       Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR              qualifications, including training and education requirements and                    Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR
                                                                                                                                              financial security standards
                   A. The commission shall:                                                                                                   (c) Health and safety provisions.
                                                                                                                                              (d) Duties and responsibilities.
                   1. Adopt rules that are necessary or proper for the administration of this chapter, including                              (e) Recordkeeping and production of records requirements.
                   administrative provisions, health and safety provisions and provisions for the use, storage and                            (f) Licensee inspection and treatment reports requirements.
                   application of pesticides and devices used in structural pest control.
                                                                                                                                              (g) Disciplinary action provisions.

                   2. Administer and enforce this chapter and rules adopted pursuant to this chapter.                                         (h) Equipment provisions.
                                                                                                                                              (i) Advertising requirements.
                   3. Maintain a record of its acts and proceedings, including the issuance, refusal, renewal,                                (j) The use, storage and application of pesticides and devices used
                   suspension or revocation of licenses.                                                                                      in pest management.

                   4. At least thirty calendar days before adoption of a rule, form or policy, mail a copy of notice                          2. Notify the business licensee, applicator and qualifying party in writing of any inquiry into
                   of a proposed rule, form or policy adoption, including the text of the proposed rule, form or                              possible violations by the business licensee, applicator or qualifying party by the close of
                   policy, to each business licensee who has made a request to the commission, except that if the                             business on the tenth business day after the day on whichthe director initiated the inquiry if the
                   commission finds that adoption of a rule is necessary for immediate preservation of the public                             director anticipates an enforcement action. If in the course of the investigation the office
                   peace, health and safety and that notice is impractical, unnecessary or contrary to public inter-                          identifies any alleged violations by a different business licensee, applicator or qualifying party,
                   est it may adopt a rule without prior notice. Within thirty calendar days after the adoption of a                          the director shall notify the additional alleged violator by the close of business on the tenth
                   statute by the legislature or approval of a rule by the governor’s regulatory review council, the                          business day after the day on which the director initiated the new inquiry.
                   commission shall notify all business licensees in writing.                                                                 3. Develop and either conduct or contract to conduct certified applicator and certified qualified
                                                                                                                                              applicator tests at locations throughout this state. If the director contracts for these tests, the
                   5. Hire inspectors as needed, considering recommendations of the executive director.                                       contracts may provide for specific examination fees or a reasonable range of fees determined

                                                                                                                                              by the director to be paid directly to the contractor by the applicant. The director shall make all
                   6. Notify the business licensee, applicator and qualifying party in writing of any complaint
                   against the business licensee, qualifying party or employee of the business licensee by the                                efforts to contract with private parties to electronically administer the tests.
                   close of business on the tenth business day after the day on which the commission initiated                                4. Maintain a computer system for the benefit and protection of the public that includes the
                   the complaint.                                                                                                             following information on pretreatments, new-construction treatments, final grade treatments
                                                                                                                                              initial corrective treatments and wood-destroying insect inspection reports:
                   7. Receive and appropriately respond to any inquiry.                                                                      (a) The name of the individual who performed the work.
                                                                                                                                             (b) The address or location of the work or project.
                   8. Issue subpoenas for the taking of depositions, the production of documents and things and                              (c) The name of the pest management company.
                   the entry on land for inspection and measuring, surveying, photographing, testing or sampling                             (d) The name of the qualifying party.
                   the property or any designated object or operation on the property relevant to the complaint.                             (e) The applicator license numbers.
                                                                                                                                             (f) The nature and date of the work performed.
                   9. List any complaint, inquiry, issue or matter it plans to discuss at a public meeting in the                            (g) Any other information that is required by rule.
                   agenda for the meeting.
                                                                                                                                             5. Establish offices the director deems necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter.
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