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Storing, Storing,
Moving and Moving and
Disposing of Disposing of
Pesticides in N No.o. Pesticides in N No.o.
N No.
No.o. 2 22 2 2
No.o. 2 22 2 2
N No.
Non-Agricultural Settings Non-Agricultural Settings
If you follow the directions in this leaflet, you can help prevent accidents with If you follow the directions in this leaflet, you can help prevent accidents with
pesticides. Since pesticides are poisonous, they must be stored or disposed pesticides. Since pesticides are poisonous, they must be stored or disposed
of with caution and concern for others, especially children. Every of with caution and concern for others, especially children. Every
year children are poisoned from eating or drinking pesticides year children are poisoned from eating or drinking pesticides
that someone did not put away or throw out correctly. that someone did not put away or throw out correctly.
THESE ARE THE THREE MOST and accidents often occur while pesticides THESE ARE THE THREE MOST and accidents often occur while pesticides
• Keep pesticides in their original • Keep pesticides in their original
H How should pesticides be stored?
How should pesticides be stored?ow should pesticides be stored?
H How should pesticides be stored?
How should pesticides be stored?ow should pesticides be stored?
containers. H How should pesticides be stored?ow should pesticides be stored? containers. H How should pesticides be stored?ow should pesticides be stored?
• Never put pesticides in containers used Pesticides and their empty containers must be • Never put pesticides in containers used Pesticides and their empty containers must be
for food, drink, or household products. kept either in a locked area, or under the for food, drink, or household products. kept either in a locked area, or under the
• DO NOT take home any pesticide control of a person who can keep others • DO NOT take home any pesticide control of a person who can keep others
used at work. away. If the pesticides are not locked up used at work. away. If the pesticides are not locked up
and are next to a road or an area where N Never and are next to a road or an area where N Never
N Neverever
N Neverever
put pesticides
p put pesticides
put pesticidesut pesticides
put pesticides
put pesticidesut pesticides
p put pesticides
STORAGE there are other people, the person in charge put pesticides STORAGE there are other people, the person in charge put pesticides
of the pesticides must be able to see the in containern containerss of the pesticides must be able to see the in containern containerss
in containers
i in containers
in containers
in containers
i in containers
in containers
No job is really finished until the pesti- pesticide at all times. No job is really finished until the pesti- pesticide at all times.
used for food,sed for food,
used for food,sed for food,
used for food,
used for food,
used for food,
u used for food,
cides, containers, and equipment have used for food, cides, containers, and equipment have u used for food,
drink, or
drink, or
d drink, or
drink, orrink, or
drink, or
drink, orrink, or
been put away properly. Get into the habit H Here are some acceptable ways drink, or been put away properly. Get into the habit Here are some acceptable w were are some acceptable ways to toays to to to d drink, or
Here are some acceptable are some acceptable ways
Here are some acceptable w were are some acceptable ways to toays to to to
H Here are some acceptable ways
Here are some acceptable are some acceptable ways
h household
h household
of storing all of your materials safely be- householdousehold of storing all of your materials safely be- householdousehold
store pesticides
store pesticides
store pesticides
store pesticidestore pesticides
s store pesticides
store pesticidestore pesticides
p products.
fore you clean up and go home, or move s store pesticides products.roducts. fore you clean up and go home, or move store pesticides p products.
on to the next job. While you are cleaning • A locked, fenced area. on to the next job. While you are cleaning • A locked, fenced area.
up and putting away the pesticides, con- • A storage compartment that can up and putting away the pesticides, con- • A storage compartment that can
tainers, and equipment, you should wear be locked. tainers, and equipment, you should wear be locked.
all the personal protective equipment you all the personal protective equipment you
used on the job. Consider wearing gloves • A truck or trailer with locked side racks. used on the job. Consider wearing gloves • A truck or trailer with locked side racks.
and other protective equipment, even if (The tops of the racks should be at least and other protective equipment, even if (The tops of the racks should be at least
they weren’t required on the label. Spills six feet above the ground.) they weren’t required on the label. Spills six feet above the ground.)
HS-1743 HS-1743
Revised September 2003 Revised September 2003
218 205