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E. A qualifying party shall have an inactive qualifying party license BROWN BANDED 32-2326. Business license; principals; definition BROWN BANDED
status if the qualifying party is not currently acting as a qualifying COCKROACH A. the office shall deny an application for a new business license or COCKROACH
party for a business licensee. To reactivate an inactive license a renewal of an existing business license if a principal of the
that has been inactive for one year or less, a qualifying party shall applicant was also a principal of another business that currently
apply to the commission to qualify a business license. To reactivate owes past due termite action registration form fees, owes civil
an inactive license that has been inactive for more than one
year, a qualifying party shall apply to the commission to qualify a penalties to the office or has had its business license suspended or
business license and shall either successfully complete the license revoked within the last five years and was a principal at the time
examination or, within twelve months preceding application for the fees became due or the acts resulting in disciplinary action
reactivation, complete continuing education as required pursuant to occurred.
section 32-2319. (See page 41). Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR B. For the purposes of this section, “principal” means a person who Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR
owns at least a ten percent interest in a business.Principal includes
F. If the commission issues a renewable and revocable temporary qualifying party license an owner that is itself a business as well as owners of a principal.
pursuant to section 32-2304, (See page 11-21) the temporary qualifying party qualification
is valid for sixty calendar days and may be renewed only on approval of the commission if 32-2327. Injunctive relief
good cause is established for delay in the procurement of a qualifying party license. Under the In addition to all other remedies, the director, either through the attorney general or the county
temporary qualifying party license, a business licensee shall otherwise fully comply with the attorney, may apply to the appropriate court for an order enjoining any act or practice that
requirements of this chapter and rules adopted pursuant to this chapter. appears to constitute a violation of this chapter or rules adopted pursuant to this chapter. On a
proper showing, a temporary restraining order, a preliminary injunction or a permanent injunction
G. A person acting as a qualifying party shall: shall be granted without bond.
1. Be active in the management of the business licensee by being present at the business office ARTICLE 4. WOOD-DESTROYING ORGANISMS
location each month to review pesticide use, storage and disposal and by ensuring the
supervision and training of the employees of the business.
32-2331. Termite action report form; exemption
2. During normal business hours, be readily available to the licensed applicators and employees A. Within thirty calendar days after completion of a pretreatment, a new-construction treatment, a
of the business licensee. final grade treatment, an initial corrective treatment or a wood-destroying insect inspection report,
a business licensee or certified applicator shall file with the office in a form approved by the
H. A qualifying party shall renew a qualifying party license annually by submitting a form director a termite action report form and the prescribed fee.
prescribed by the commission and a fee prescribed by section 32-2317. (See page 39) A B. The termite action report form shall include:
qualifying party shall furnish to the commission proof of completion of continuing education
as prescribed by section 32-2319. (See page 41) Successful completion of the qualifying 1. The address or location of the work or project.
party license examination for each category may be substituted for the continuing education 2. The type and the date of the work.
requirement. Continuing education hours used for renewal of a qualifying party’s applicator 3. The name of the business licensee.
license may be used for the qualifying party’s license renewal. 4. Any other information required by rule.
32-2317. Fees C. The director may:
1. Adjust the fee upward or downward to a level that is calculated to produce sufficient revenue
A. The commission shall establish and collect fees that may include service charges allowed to carry out the functions of wood destroying organism regulation 2. Establish tiered fees
pursuant to section 32-2304 (See pages 11-21) for persons who pay with alternative payment according to the means of submission to encourage electronic submission of the termite action
methods, including credit cards, charge cards, debit cards and electronic transfers, but that may report form. 3. Assess a penalty of not more than one hundred dollars per form for failing to
not exceed the following amounts: submit the required form or fee, or both, within thirty calendar days. D. If the business licensee
1. Qualifying party license application fee, one hundred fifty dollars. who performs an initial corrective treatment performed the pretreatment or new-construction
treatment at the same site and filed a termite action report form with the office documenting the
2. Qualifying party license renewal fee, one hundred fifty dollars. pretreatment or newconstruction treatment, the business licensee is exempt from this section
with respect to the initial corrective treatment.
3. Qualifying party license renewal fee, inactive status, twenty-five dollars.
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