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  Energy Lighting Solutions – LED- Improved lighting- that pays for itself
Saving up to and over 70% on energy is comprised of all areas of business operations from the correct purchasing of Electricity and Natural Gas, as well as Water and Waste management.
Our Free Lighting Assessment focuses on energy savings of electricity of lighting throughout your operations. Electricitycostsarecontinuouslyontheriseandexpectedtoincreaseby300%overtheverynearfuture. Current energy guzzling lighting fixtures comprised of Fluorescent T12, TB, TS, Metal Halide and other inefficient sources that illuminateourhomesandbusinesseshassparkedahugepressurefromGovernment and power authorities to reduce the demand and consumption.
Power Authorities World Wide are actively involved with encouraging business and household consumers to reduce energy consumption and become energy smart and efficient. Although power authorities incentives are enticing and welcomed,theyarenottheonlyreasonwhysmartcompaniesarechangingtomore efficientlighting. Themain benefit is cutting lighting cost by up to and over 70% plus costly maintenance savings which includes expensive manpower changing bulbs and ballast every two three years.
EnerIntel Researches, Assesses and Addresses the World Market for lighting solutions and have created direct relationshipswithqualitydomesticandinternationalmanufacturesenablingustobringcosteffectivestateofthe art LED, Induction and other energy efficient Fluorescent solutions to our clients.
Our Team of Designers and Planners will assess and design a solution specifically to your companies current and futureplans. Whetheryouareastartupprojectstillintheplanningstagesoraestablishedsmall, mediumor large company wanting a more efficient lighting system we are committed to helpingyou achieve your goals..
OurEasyFinance and Leasing solutionsmakeit easytogetstartedandeveneasieronyourcashflowas monthlysavingsusuallyoutweighthecostofyourlightingproject.Most ROI’s are less than3yearswithmany withinthe1stor2nd year.
The added bonus of proper lighting is safety and of course upgrading the overall appearance of your business.

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