Page 5 - Microsoft Word - Enerintel Brochure Aug 11 2019docx.docx
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Energy Efficiency Solutions
OurEnergyEfficiency analysisis designed formedium tolargemanufacturing firms,retailers, hospitals, schools, universities, and municipalities.
Our Solution is like an EKG (electro cardio gram) on your energy activity of your facilities that will monitorandreport the heartbeat of yourcompany's energy.
We provide metering and monitoring systems on all aspects of your energy from the main control panel down toeverypieceofmachinery, andmotorinyourplant.ThisincludesElectricity,Gas, Water, Hvac, Generators
Boilers and all electricity consuming apparatus.
Our extraordinary intelligence can save hundreds of thousands in preventative maintenance reducing down timefromunexpectedengineandequipmentfailure. Theresultsaresubstantialenergysavings.
Our Monitoring Dashboards are set up at various levels of accountability, from the production line to the management. The dashboard works on cloud technology and can be accessed from any where on the planet by computer and mobile phone.
EnerIntel isall about ENERGY INTELLIGENCE! Our Energy Efficiency Systems areour way of giving you power over your power with proven accountability.
Companies who embrace energy intelligence create a market edge by partnering with EnerIntel.