Page 6 - 2023-July-August-Journal_Handy
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the President
ummer has been described angler is able to adapt to all it is bittersweet as we wish our
as a ray of hope on the environments and ensure that graduates well in their new
Shorizon. We look forward to the elusive competitor lands safely endeavors and say goodbye to
our summer holidays as a time to and unharmed in the net. And, many friends, all the while
catch up with family and friends, when the scorecard does not welcoming in a new cohort of
or to visit far off destinations. match one’s hopes, taking learners to our teams. The
While writing this message, time to pause and enjoy the nervousness of our new
Vivaldi’s Four Seasons was surroundings is a blessing—the colleagues during their orientation
playing in the background. The sound of the river, the sun on week is palpable, but their
intense melody of the strings in one’s face, and the comradery enthusiasm and sense of hope is
the Summer Concerto resonated with of friends is irreplaceable. The just as infectious.
Texas’s blazing heat outside. A excitement of the catch may be One of the many joys and
feeling of hope washed over addicting, but the quiet times duties of serving as your TCMS
me as the score depicting the lazy spent in reflection are even President is to address the
heat began to be replaced by more refreshing. incoming students, residents, and
Vivaldi’s cool and refreshing Like fly fishing, medicine fellows. It is truly invigorating to
breeze, accompanied by various requires balancing skill and faith watch their faces light up as we
singing birds. As his Allegro and the ebbs and flows of share with them the many benefits
Non Molto shifted to reflect an practice: days interspersed with of our Society and that they have
oncoming storm, I found myself high patient activity, tough practice already been enrolled dues-free as
recalling floating down a river on decisions, challenging procedures, members due to the generous support
a recent summer fly fishing trip. and crucial conversations. While of the Texas Medical Association
A great deal can be learned these things may feel exhausting, Insurance Trust (TMAIT).
from the art of fly fishing, such as they are balanced by time spent When we tell of the impact
patience and optimism. Fly fishing providing patients with hope and that TCMS has had on the history
requires a balance of skills and care, building relationships with of medical education in Travis
faith. Recognizing when to cast, colleagues and friends—experiences County, many are amazed to
change to a new fly, mend your that provide some of the many hear that today’s Dell Med
line, or seek a different body of blessings of our profession. graduate medical education
water to ensure a successful catch Summer is an exciting time in (GME) programs had their origin
can be challenging. The skilled medical education. In many ways as community-based residency
6 2023 July • August TCMS