Page 6 - 2023-September-October-Journal
P. 6
the President
ltruism is at the core of chair and champion of PAA thank you for their many years of
our medical profession showed us that a better way to dedicated service to the physicians
Aand traces its roots all the care for the underserved was and patients of Travis County.
way back to the Hippocratic Oath. indeed possible. Dr. Brian Last, but not least, are the
It is with some sadness, but much Sayers joined him early on and hundreds of physicians, facilities,
appreciation, that we dedicate both served as medical directors and ancillary care providers who
this issue of the Journal to making sure patients received the donated their services as Project
Project Access Austin (PAA) and care they needed. Access volunteers over the years.
the altruistic physicians, hospitals, Initially, TCMS members were Their names appear later in this
and ancillary providers who have appointed to committees charged issue. Please forgive us if your
taken care of our uninsured with recruiting physicians, name is not there and should be–
residents as PAA volunteers for hospitals, lab and imaging services, just let us know and we’ll print
over two decades. and obtaining free/low-cost an addendum in the next issue.
As mentioned in the feature pharmaceuticals. These physicians We want to recognize and thank
article, the sustainability of Project spent countless hours in each one of you at the upcoming
Access was dependent on local committee meetings in preparation awards dinner on November 30.
government funding. This for the PAA launch and Watch your email for your
eventually took the form of an patient enrollment. personal invitation.
annual grant from the Community None of this could have been Looking forward on the
Care Collaborative (CCC) using accomplished without the TCMS horizon, the TCMS Health Equity
Delivery System Reform Incentive and Project Access staff. Marshall Committee was recently created
Payment (DSRIP) dollars. Cothran and Belinda Clare first and charged with fostering
However, the CCC and the learned of Project Access education, awareness, and
DSRIP program are going away programs in two other county actionable information for TCMS
and, sadly, after 22 years medical societies and brought members interested in ensuring
and millions of dollars in the idea to Dr. McHorse and health equity and health care
donated health care provided, the TCMS executive board in equity for their patients, and
Project Access Austin will no 2001. Initially, the program was incorporating diversity, equity,
longer be funded. overseen by Program Director and inclusion (DEI) in the health
I want to personally thank Cliff Ames. Kathy Gichangah, care workforce.
several individuals who made RN was hired in 2003 and Jose The committee has been
Project Access Austin a Diaz in 2008 as program staff. meeting and considering ways to
success story. Kathy, who succeeded Cliff as engage the membership in this
It started with Dr. Tom program director in 2014, and important area. It has been said
McHorse, whose vision and Jose are still with the program, that the true meaning of life is to
single-minded determination as and we owe them both a big plant trees, under whose shade
6 2023 September • October TCMS