Page 1 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 1
Write a short story using one of My future plans….
the following themes. It needs to be
creative and hold the readers Write a short story about your future
attention. plans and how Whangaroa College
will be involved in shaping that future.
• A mystery figure suddenly Where will you be in 10 years?
• The moment I realised I was no What skills will you need to get there?
longer alone in my dreams….. What are your goals and aspirations?
• Your own story starter
• 500 words max
Compose a short rap on a Write 4 different types of
chosen topic. It needs to be
creative and demonstrate poems which reflect on
your literary skills which things you enjoy doing.
include rhyme, content and Research the different types
rhythm. Your lyrics need to of poems you can do. You
be clean and appropriate for can add an illustration to
a school magazine. each piece if you want to.
Design the cover of the
Reflect on an event
school magazine for 2017.
that you have been
It needs to include the
involved in at school school logo, our school
and write a recount of values and images that
that event. You need reflect our area and
to make sure you have students. You can use the
edited it before computer as well as
submitting. No more drawings, paintings and
works from students – It
than 300 words.
needs to be A3.