Page 3 - Story and photos about the Engage Marine Harbour Tug Diamantina saved the Freighter Portland Bay July 5 2022
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About Marius Fenger and the CYAA.

        Marius restored and researched the provenance the Ernie Digby designed the Melbourne Harbour Trust Tug boat Victory
        in 2016.

        Click Here to look over the Victory story in the CYAA magazine March 2018. The Victory is the only non sail powered

        vessel listed on the CYAA Boat Register.

        Marius also assisted assisted Peter Digby with engine repairs on his yacht.

        He’s a director and partner with Engage Marine where he is the principal marine engineer and new site project

        manager. Previously he was engineer on the ANARE Supply ship and ice breaker, Aurora Australis

                        Victory at Kettering                                  Marius Fenger              Marius Fenger
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