Page 5 - Race Six Post Race Notes Feb 7_Neat
P. 5

Some Race six comments

         The course selection

         The course selection at 10:15am was based the light North Easter lasting till about 11:30. The idea was to give the fleet a light breeze reach around the first
         two marks before the predicted blustery south westerly change arrived to give a decent 20 knot reach to the finish line.
         Not to be. As the wind record shows. 10:30 am was the change time. Right on division three start time. Brilliant. However this wind direction change did give
         a fleet quite a work out to beat back to the second mark which did kept the handicapper happy

             Division three classic’s Marama. Martini and Akala on the run from the start line in fine style. Cyan watches on for start line tactics.
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10