P. 102

WILL Y O U   LEND US A HAND?                             HOW CHILDREN ARE
                      MISS WESTON’S
        ROYAL SAILORS’ RESTS                                   SUFFERING

        P O R T S M O U T H   a n d   D E V O N P O R T
                                                                       Last year 3,862 C A S E S   O F   B R U T A L I T Y were
                            Co* Founders:                              recorded  throughout  England,  Wales  and
                                                                       Ireland, and a quarter of a million visits were
                                                                       paid to homes by 262 "Children's Men" in the
        The late Dame Agnes E. Weston, G.B.E., LL.D.
                                                                       interests of ill-treated little ones.
                                                                       Few  people  realise  the  vital  need  for  such  a
        The late Dame Sophia G. Wintz, D.B.E.                          society  as  the  NATIONAL  SOCIETY  FOR
                                                                       THE  P R E V E N T I O N  O F   CRUELTY  TO
            ' | 'HE Trustees earnestly appeal to all lovers of the     CHILDREN.  To  ensure  an  endurable  life  for
            Sea and ships to assist them in carrying on this           every child in the land is the Society’s aim.
             fifty year old work for the benefit, physically,
           morally and spiritually, of the men of the Royal    Please Help
                                 Navy all over the World.
        ■pUNDS are greatly needed at the present time to enable  The
        us  to  continue  our  various  activities  for  their
        comfort,  welfare  and  wellbeing.  199,906sleepers
        accommodated       lastyear;   baths,    18,344.
        Attendances:—Concerts,  Entertainments,  etc.,         N.S.P.C.C
        40,147; Gospel and Temperance meetings, 102,869;
        and  4,932  visits  made  by  our  Workers  to  Ships,
        Hospitals and Sick Bays.                               Gifts gratefully received by Hon. Treasurer, Sir G. Wyatt Truscott. or Director,
                                                                       William J. Elliott, N.S.P.C.C., Victory House, Leicester Square, Lon-
        Contributions should be sent to :                              don, W.C. 2 (Chairman :   The
                     The Hon. Treasurer Royal Sailors’ Rest,
              Portsmouth                                       Viscount Ullswater, G.C.B.).
        Cheques, etc., to be crossed “ Nat. Prov. Bank
        Ltd., Portsmouth." Our “ Royal Navy Needlework         Rispondendo AgU annunz} compiacetevi menzionare
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