Page 4 - Section 11 Learning Assessment
P. 4
(5) When the students enroll in a course as visitors but the course lecturer
considers that the students’ attention to the course is insufficient.
(6) In the case that the students’ enrollment does not follow the regulations,
conditions or requirements of the program.
94.9 A grade symbol of “X” will be granted only in the case that the Division of
the Registrar has not received the grade report of a course in the time limit.
94.10 Grade symbols for evaluating the dissertation/thesis/independent study
progress in each semester are “P” or “S” or “U” which have the following meanings.
P (In Progress) refers to the research project which is in process.
S (Satisfactory) refers to the research project which meets the criteria of
the program.
U (Unsatisfactory) refers to the research project which does not meet the
criteria of the program.
Part 3
Grade Point Calculation
95. The course assessment must be conducted at the end of each semester.
96. The grade point average calculation must be conducted at the end of each semester.
97. There are 2 types of grade point calculations.
97.1 Grade point average (GPA) is a calculation of credits and grade symbols in
each semester.
97.2 Accumulated grade point average (GPAX) is a calculation of credits and
grade symbols from the first semester of study to the current semester.
97.3 Two decimal places without rounding is applied in grade point
97.4 In the case that the students receive symbols of “I”, “M” and “X”, grade
point calculation in that semester will be pending.
Section 12
Student Status Changes
Part 1
Educational Level Changes
98. An educational level change could be from lower to higher or from higher to lower
in related fields.
99. Students who request for a change from a master’s degree to a doctoral degree in
the same field must have the following qualifications: