Page 2 - Section 14 Penalty for Cheating
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However, the penalty must be approved by the course lectuter, the program committee
and the school post-graduate committee.
121. When there is an accusation regarding cheating on dissertation/thesis/ independent
study, the program committee must investigate the facts and report to the school postgraduate
committee, the postgraduate committee and the academic council for further consideration.
In the case that the students are found guilty of cheating on dissertation/thesis/
independent study, one of the following penalties shall be applied.
121.1 If the case is not critical, the result of the dissertation/thesis/ independent
study defense examination will be changed to “Fail.” The students will have to restart the
dissertation/thesis/ independent study process. This is not considered a reason to extend the
study period.
121.2 If the case is critical, the issue must be reported to the academic council
to dismiss student status. In the case that the students have already graduated, the issue must
be reported to the academic council for a degree withdrawal.
Section 15
Student Status Dismissal
122. The student status will be revoked in the following cases:
122.1 When the university finds that the students lack qualifications according
to item 44.
122.2 When the students have completed all courses required in the curriculum
and have received a degree diploma or certificate.
122.3 When the students are approved to resign by the president. The request
for resignation must be approved by the advisor, the dean, the Office of Registrar and the
122.4 After the first two weeks of a semester, if the students have not enrolled
or requested to maintain a student status or paid the tuition and other fee(s) (if any), the
student’s status will be revoked. However, the students can regain student status within the
semester by submitting a request to the advisor, the dean and the president.
122.5 The students with conditional student status, whose GPAX is lower than
3.00 or who cannot pass conditions required by the program at the end of the first semester.
122.6 The students with full graduate student status, whose GPA is lower than
3.00 in 2 consecutive semesters.
122.7 The students in master’s programs plan B who cannot past the second
comprehensive examination.
122.8 Doctoral degree students who do not take the qualifying examination
within 4 semesters from the first semester of study, or cannot pass the examination within 6
semesters from the first semester of study.