P. 19

 September/October.  PROFILES

                      He’s the creator of the Helvetica typeface
                        and a profound figure in typographic history.

                                                              Edouard Hoffman on the typeface which would lat-

                                                                  Four years after its birth, Helvetica was given
                                                                an oblique brother. More weights were added later,
                                                              er be called Helvetica.
                                                                  verse foundries, but these lacked consistency, and
                                  ax Miedinger was a Swiss typeface de-
                                                                   Helvetica became a hodge podge of different fonts.
                                   signer. He was famous for creating the
                                                                      Linotype has since redrawn every style and
                                   Neue Haas Grotesk typeface in 1957
                                                                       weight of the font to make a consistent family
                           Mwhich was renamed Helvetica in 1960.  ” ” ” ”  but they were made by different designers in di-
                                                                              of typefaces. Differences in alignment
                            Marketed as a symbol of cutting-edge Swiss technol-
                                                                                    were corrected, subtle fea-
                                                                                     tures were made consistent
                                Between 1926 and 1930 Miedinger trained as a
                                                                                     from one face to another, and
                             ogy, Helvetica went global at once.
                                                                                     all the weights and widths were
                              typesetter in Zürich, after which he at-
                                                                                     designed to work together as one
                               evening classes at the Kunstgewerbe-
                                                                                     family. This new family is called
                                                                                     Neue Helvetica,  and is available
                                   At the age of sixteen Max be-
                                schule in Zürich.
                                  came an apprentice typesetter
                                                                                        Today, Helvetica is shunned by
                                                                                     from, among others, Adobe.
                                  at a book printing office for
                                                                              many designers because it is overused due to its
                                                                                    “ “ “ “
                                   Jacques Bollmann (in Zürich).
                                                                               being the default typeface on many desktop pub-
                                                                                lishing software packages. But, remember, it is the
                                    After four years as an ap-
                                                                                default face because it is such a reliable, workhorse
                                     prentice, Miedinger enrolled
                                                                                 of a typeface. Together with Times New Roman,
                                     in the School of Arts and
                                       old, he went to work for an advertising
                                      Crafts. When he was 26 years
                                        studio called Globe. Here he worked as a typog-
                                                                                  Helvetica was the most specified face of the ’60s,
                                         rapher and improved his skills. After ten years
                                         of working at Globe, Miedinger then gained em-
                                          ployment with Haas Type Foundry as a represen-
                                           tative. This is where he made his mark on history
                                            and designed the most used typeface of the 20th
                                                                                   ’70s and ’80s.
                                                In 1956 Miedinger became a freelance graphic
                                              designer and about a year later he collaborated with
                                             century, Helvetica.
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