Page 15 - Demo
P. 15

| Rotem Nefesh Maman
Director of Employment Services
We’ve experienced a particularly special and complex year, filled with challenges and learning, as we’ve grown to get to know ourselves better and how to work within a constantly-changing world.
We learned how to work from a distance yet still feel connected. We have continued to adapt creatively and serve our clients, who even during the full lockdown continued to enjoy our great products.
We recruited new workers for our rehab units, to help respond to the closures of our employment programs in the morning hours. When necessary, we worked in “capsules” and we always wore our masks and were ready with hand cleansers and thermometers.
Despite all those challenges, we succeeded in bringing in nearly 300,000 shekel in our factory. Much of this remarkable success was made possible with the sale of 1,370 masks- our number one product for the year!
Despite the unemployment that defined this period, we were able to keep our staff on and no one was ever placed on leave. We were also able to help members of our team join the employment market- particularly after the end of the first lockdown. We have successfully reached a point where the vast majority of our staff is now vaccinated.
But most importantly, we learned to appreciate what we have and did our utmost to continue to be active and produce throughout the year.
 Annual Activities Report

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