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electrical potential between the electrodes, conductivity, and turbidity. The data were collected and stored in an online computer system. It was found that the water could be disinfected. System C tested continuously for 144 days under load, with the integration of bacterial mixes )E. coli ~90%, B.t ~5%, Cyanobacteria ~5%( every few days. According to the results, the system returns to zero bacteria within a few hours )depending on the experimental variables: flow rate, pH, and temperature(, indicating efficient disinfection. System C provided the most effective disinfection and successfully overcame various types of bacteria that can be present in contaminated water. A patent application for the C-2000L system was filed, and efforts are being made to implement it commercially for swimming pool disinfection.
The third method tested in this research for water and surface disinfectionwas based on formulas with different compositions )Cu+2 salt and a reducing agent in an organic matrix( that stimulate the mechanism for generating monovalent copper ions. First, these formulas were tested in Petri dishes under aerobic conditions at room temperature on solid agar plates )LB medium( containing E. coli bacteria. Then, they were absorbed into a medical sponge for disinfecting water in a batch system )1 L(. All three methods for disinfection proved to be efficient. Additional tests were conducted to determine water quality in compliance with public health standards.
Keywords: water and surface disinfection, E. coli bacteria, monovalent copper. Peer reviewed papers and poster presentations at conferences:
Magal Saphier, Sabag B, Shraga G, et al. Antimicrobial Effect of Monovalent Copper Ions, Room Atmosphere Applications. Published online 2022.
Book Of Abstracts | Class 2022

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