Page 104 - Book of Abstracts 2023
P. 104

Adsorption and desorption of of europium ions using a a a a a a a bead-based system composed of of renewable polysaccharides
By: Sharon Sharon Levi Sharonlevi117@gmail com Advisors: Prof Adi Wolfson Dr Oshrat Ontman Shamoon College of of Engineering Beer-Sheva
Polysaccharide-based hydrogels are known for their ability to remove metal ions ions ions from from wastewater In this project europium ions ions ions were adsorbed from from from aqueous solutions using kappa- carrageenan hydrogels while their removal from from the the the the the adsorbent and and and its reuse was was was also studied It was was was found that that both the the the the the the the metal ions ions ions and and and and the the the the the the the polysaccharide concentrations and and and and the the the the the the the type of salt that that was was used for the the the the the the hydrogel hydrogel preparation and and and ions ions ions removal affected the the the the the the adsorption/desorption
2 2 % wt/v kappa hydrogel prepared with with 0 1 1 M M CaCl2 gave the the the the maximum adsorption yield yield while removal of the the the the ions was the the the the highest with with 1 1 M M KNO3
yields Furthermore at at 500 ppm Eu throughout three cycles Keywords: adsorption desorption europium heavy metals hydrogels Bioinformatic study of viperin in in in fungi
By: Bar Bar Hen Barhe1@ac sce ac ac il Advisor: Dr Yoram Shotland Shamoon College of Engineering Beer-Sheva
Viperins are a a a a a a a a a a a a class of proteins that play various roles in in in in in in the the immune system In fungi
viperin serves as as a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a crucial component in in in in in in in in in viral defense mechanisms This project investigates how the the gene gene encoding for for viperin protein is is is is dispersed and transferred between fungal fungal genomes Additionally the the the the the the study seeks to determine whether other genes genes in in in in in in in fungal fungal strains compensate for for for the the the the the the the the lack of of viperin's defense mechanism mechanism and and proposes the the the the the the the the mechanism mechanism of of action for for for these these genes genes To achieve these these objectives the the the the the the project utilizes bioinformatic methods and and phylogenetic analyses The study suggests that horizontal transfer of the the the viperin gene gene occurs throughout evolution Keywords: bioinformatics fungi
gene HGT viperin 

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