Page 105 - Book of Abstracts 2023
P. 105
Exposure of PVA to different solvents for eight weeks
By: Or Trabelsi Trabelsi ortrabelsi3@gmail com Advisors: Prof Ariela Burg Dr Nir Trabelsi Trabelsi Shamoon College of of Engineering Beer-Sheva
Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is is is a a a a a a a a a water-soluble polymer In the the the the packaging industry it is is is used in in in in the the the the form of of of detergent capsules Mechanical strength is is is is required to to to ensure the the the the the storage of of of the the the the the product content This research studies the the the the effects of of of of three solvents on on PVA after exposure to to to a a a a a a a a a a a a temperature of of of 40°C over time The The project examines uniaxial tensile strength and the the the the solubility of of of the the the the the PVA PVA after contact with water The The results indicate that the the the the the 2-ethylhexyl lactate solvent changes the the the the hydrophobic rigid and and brittle properties of of PVA PVA and and is therefore not recommended for use Keywords: polymer PVA solubility stress-strain Young's modulus
Study of of antiviral activity of of monovalent copper against herpes viruses
By: Reem Khateb reem khateb 1234@gmail com 211 Advisors: Prof Mahmod Halehel Dr Dr Magal Saphier Saphier Dr Dr Oshra Illan Saphier Saphier 1Shamoon College of Engineering Beer-Sheva
2Soroka Medical Center Beer-Sheva
Today several viruses
can can cause serious diseases Herpes virus virus virus is is is is one of them Cu+ Cu+ ions has antiviral properties that can can combat this virus virus virus virus This study determines the the the the extent to to to which Cu+ Cu+ Cu+ prevents the the the the the ability of of the the the the the herpes herpes virus virus virus to to to to spread disease We first tested how much Cu+ Cu+ is is is is toxic to to to to vero cells and by counting the the the the the number of of plaques the the the the the herpes herpes viruses
produced we we were able to to to determine how much Cu+ Cu+ is is is effective against the the the the viruses
We discovered that that Cu+ Cu+ exhibits no no toxicity at at at at at 0 0 01 mM concentration indicating that that the the herpes virus virus cannot cause disease when Cu+ is present Keywords: cells herpes virus immunity plaque Book of Abstracts | 2023