Page 109 - Book of Abstracts 2023
P. 109

Development of a a a a a low voltage ionization cell to to reduce divalent copper copper to to monovalent copper ChE-4-1
By: Ofek Admasu ofeking007@gmail com
Advisors: Dr Dr Oshra Illan Saphier Saphier Dr Dr Magal Saphier Saphier Shamoon College of Engineering Beer-Sheva In In previous studies it it was was found that Cu+
ions have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal abilities In In order to to to utilize these properties for water disinfection a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a patented electrochemical system was was 2+ + + developed (by Coppter Water Technologies) to to to to reduce Cu Cu ions to to to to Cu Cu In this project small
electrochemical systems (250-100ml) were were built To test them bacteria bacteria were were added to to to to the the the the water and and the the the the the the bacterial population was monitored The optimal optimal voltage best spacing between the the the the the the electrodes the the the the right temperature and and the the the the most effective electrode electrode were were found Under optimal optimal conditions a a a a a a a a a a a a population of 100 000 bacteria bacteria per per per milliliter were were destroyed after 5 minutes Keywords: E coli bacteria bacteria electrodes ionization chamber monovalent copper ions ions water disinfection Improving β-damascenone crystallization process ChE-4-2
By: Mohamad Shareef mohamadshareef047@gmail com
12 Advisors: Prof Adi Wolfson Mr Mahmoud Mahameed
1Shamoon College of of Engineering Beer-Sheva 2“IFF” Factory Givat Oz
The crystalization of of of of of β-damascenone from hexane gives purity purity of of of of of 95% and and crystals yields of of of of of 50%-60% Replacing the the the the solvent by heptane yielded purity purity of of of of of of 95 95 7% and and and crystal crystal crystal yield yield yield of of of of of of 62 8% Additional experiments which tested the the the the the the effects of of of of the the the the the the product composition composition the the the the the the temperature and and and the the the the the stirring stirring speed speed on on on on the the the the the crystals crystals purity purity and and and yield yield gave purity purity of of of of of 99 41% at at at at a a a a a a a a a a a a composition composition ratio of of of of of (1:0 (1:0 75) stirring stirring speed speed of of of of of 600 rpm and and temperature of of of of of -30°C -30°C The highest crystals crystals yield yield (81 1%) was obtained under the following conditions: -30°C -30°C at at at a a a a a a a a a composition ratio of of of of of (1:0 (1:0 5) 5) and stirring speed of 600 rpm Keywords: β-damascenone crystallization heptane hexane purity Book of Abstracts | 2023

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