Page 41 - Book of Abstracts 2023
P. 41

Improving and and streamlining processes in in in in in the the production and and packaging departments at the the "GAVIA" factory
By: Roni Amar roniamar49@gmail com com Oriya Eliyahu ori3411@gmail com com Advisor: Prof Yossi Hadad
Shamoon College of of Engineering Beer-Sheva
We We examined the the the the the current situation at at the the the the the "GAVIA" factory
and and and identified the the the the the deficiencies Through work sampling we determined the the the the the the the load and and and the the the the the the the standard time for cardboard packaging We We We examined the the the the the the possibility of of of reducing the the the the the the number of of of employees through simulation We We made forecasts for for the the the the the different types of of of of of products and based on on on them we determined an an appropriate inventory policy policy Implementation of of of of the the the the the proposed policy policy will result in in in in in savings of of of of NIS 9 740 per year We analyzed according to to quality control the the the the types of of of defects defects and and and their distribution by type type and and and found that the the main defects defects are "poor baking" and shape Keywords: forecasting inventory management quality control simulation work sampling Improving the the growing and and packing processes at Yagev farm and and examining the security preparedness
By: Rotem Rotem Prahia Rotemprahia@gmail com com Nir Tal nirtal43@gmail com Advisor: Prof Yossi Hadad
Shamoon College of of Engineering Beer-Sheva
In this project we examined the the the the the the the current situation at at the the the the the the the Yagev farm and and identified the the the the the the the deficiencies We We determined the the the the the the the the load on on the the the the the the the the workers the the the the the the the the efficiency and and the the the the the the the the time allotted for packing a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a pallet of flowers We We We proposed an an an an inventory policy according to to the the the the the the the MRP methodology saving NIS 30 244 per per year We We We analyzed the the the the the the the defects defects and and found that the the the the the the the main defect defect defect is "flower obsolescence" 73% of of all the the the the the the the defects defects We We also examined the the the the the the the effect of of of of the the the the the the the security situation on on on on the the the the the the the operational and and and management capabilities and and offered several suggestions for increasing the the the the the employees' sense of of of security Keywords: forecasting inventory management materials requirement planning (MRP) quality control work sampling Book of Abstracts | 2023

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