Page 69 - Book of Abstracts 2023
P. 69
Dear Graduates This year an engineering festival will be held at Sami Shamoon College of Engineering--the “SCE TECH FEST 23”--a unique and unusual technology event During this festival you’ll be exposed to different fields of engineering and their collaborations You’ll be invited to to hear interesting lectures and to to engage in in in in the challenging solution of unique engineering problems This is is an an opportunity for you you to to acquire knowledge and tools that will help you you when you’ll become engineers I I expect your very active participation and I I hope that you’ll get the most benefit from these specially crafted events I wish you all a a a a a successful and fascinating week!
Dr Dimitri Baimel
Head of of the Department of of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dear Graduates This year we are participating in in a a a a a a a a significant and special event the first of its kind at SCE!
As the Departmental Project Coordinator I would like to to to wish great success to to to our students who worked day and and night on their final projects and and earned the the privilege of presenting them at this conference to first-class researchers and captains of industry!
It is is a a a a a a great opportunity for you to take part in this technological festival - SCE TECH FEST 23 - rich in in in events and fascinating contents May you discover new professional tools to to to to add to to to to your own personal ‘toolbox’ for future use I wish you all success and the the the best in the the the future Enjoy the the the festival!
Dr Svetlana Bronstein
Project Coordinator The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Book of Abstracts | 2023