Page 91 - Book of Abstracts 2023
P. 91

Designing an an an electrical system for a a a a a a steel manufacturing plant
By: Alaa Nassar alaa999nassar@gmail com Bashar Mawassi bashama@ac sce ac ac il il Advisor: Dr Alberto Berenshtein Shamoon College of Engineering Beer-Sheva
This project deals with design of an an an electrical system system for for a a a a a a a a a a a a steel production factory
including high-voltage switchgear transformers and and and and low-voltage main distribution boards The system system system meets power demand and and and and and safety regulations and and and and and includes a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a photovoltaic system system system on on on on on on the the building's roof connected to to to the the low-voltage system system Load calculations equipment selection and and and and simulations are completed to to ensure optimal performance Keywords: design equipment efficiency system planning voltage regulation PV cells
Planning an an electrical system for the fabric wipes factory
By: Omar Abo Baker omarab5@ac sce sce ac ac ac il il Diaa Hndoklo diaahn@ac sce sce sc sc sc il Advisor: Mr Yosef Rahmin
Shamoon College of Engineering Beer-Sheva
This project project focuses on on the the the the design design of of of an electrical system for a a a a a a a a fabric wipes factory
The project project includes design design design of of of the the the the the network from the the the the the grid to to to to the the the the the main distribution boards A factory
of of of this size is is is is designed to to to work work work work around the the the the clock and and and and serve many consumers This means that it it should withstand workload and and and and and ensure continuous and and and and and reliable work work work The The planning was carried out in in in in accordance with with the the the Electricity Law and and and and its regulations The The design included among other things calculations of of of the the the supply systems conditions for for installing equipment selection selection of of of suitable protections for for for electrical components and selection selection of of of of protection protection measures against electric electric electric shock for for users of the facility Keywords: electrical system main feed
Book of Abstracts | 2023

   89   90   91   92   93