Page 93 - Book of Abstracts 2023
P. 93
A smart agricultural habitat for plants
By: Barhano Uri Alamo urial@ac sce ac ac il Advisor: Dr Alberto Berenshtein Shamoon College of Engineering Beer-Sheva
Farmers are struggling to to obtain good profits from greenhouse greenhouse crops because of of difficulty managing two factors that determine plant growth and productivity The greenhouse's temperature shouldn't increase above a a a a a a a a a a a a a specific point excessive or or insufficient humidity could could ruin the harvest and not enough light could could stunt plant growth This project's objective is is to create a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a controller controller for for agricultural habitats that maintain environmental parameters by reading sensors The The controller controller informs the the the owner of the the the system's condition and and adjusts the the the ground's environmental factors including temperature light and and and humidity The The project is is based on on on on on on a a a a a a a a a a Raspberry Pi Pi 3
which is connected to to sensors and and other devices Keywords: agricultural habitats greenhouse raspberry Pi Pi 3
controller Design of an electrical system for the “Prigat” factory
By: Benny Matayev bennymatayev@gmail com Advisor: Mr Alex Portnov
Shamoon College of Engineering Beer-Sheva
This project involves designing a a a a a a a a a a a a power and and control system system for a a a a a a a a a a a a new department at at the the the "Prigat" factory
The The system system enables the the the the the production production of the the the the the cleaning liquid in in in in in in an an an an an an efficient manner and and treats the the the the the wastewater returning from the the the the the production production departments The The planning was was carried out for for for the the the the the system devices including engines main board board and and and and and secondary boards various sensors for for for monitoring the the the the the liquid and and and and and and means for for for repairing and and and and and and handling the the the the the power and and and and and and starting problems The The local control control control system system is is connected to to to to the the the the the main control control control room in in in in in in in the the the the the factory
and and and and and and and enables management and and and control control control of the the the process The The goal is is to to to to get a a a a a a a a a a a a a a quality and and and reliable system system working autonomously Keywords: control electrical system system sampling and monitoring system system reliability
Book of Abstracts | 2023