Page 19 - LPS & KENT - NSF FOOD SAFE PRODUCT RANGES - All Task Solutions 2019
P. 19

Technical Information

          Part Nº:            34405-85709-34413-34415
          Description:        Soft Surface Cleaner
          Shelf Life:         24 months
          Size:               500ml aerosol, 1L, 25L, 200L
          Customs Tariff Code:    3402 19 00
          Density:            0.76g/ml
          Evaporation rate:   < 3 minutes, dependent of layer thickness, humidity and
          Product Colour:     Clear
          Consistency:        Liquid
          VOC:                730 g/l Aerosol
                              751 g/l liquid
          Application temp:   Approx. 15°C – 25 °C

                  SDS available on

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                                                                                          Rev: 02/11/16
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