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increases in developing seeds, until it
          induces seed dormancy when it has
          reached optimal concentration. If leaves
          experience water stress, ABA amounts
          increase rapidly, causing the stomata to
          close. In this way, ABA protects plants
          that experience water stress (drought)
          conditions. ABA also prepares plants to be
          ready for winter by slowing plant growth
          and causing buds to become dormant.
            Production of the natural plant hormone
          ethylene has long been linked to herbicidal
          effects of hormone-, or auxin-type,
          herbicides such as 2,4-D and MCPA. It is
          ethylene that causes the typical ‘epinastic’
          (malformation of leaves and stems) growth
          responses in plants that are susceptible   Even with drastic intervention, the yellow nutsedge residues (alive or dead) left in the soil, can exert
          to the auxin-type herbicides. Recently it   crop-damaging allelopathic effects on a crop such as these tomatoes.
          has been revealed that an increase in ABA
          production is actually the primary plant   Soya beans have one distinct   literature revealed at least one study
          response to those herbicides, and ethylene   advantage over nutsedge weeds; it   conducted by researchers at Purdue
          production the secondary response. Ethylene   can rapidly develop a dense canopy   University on soya bean allelopathy.
          at phytotoxic concentrations causes early   that makes it highly competitive for   Field and greenhouse experiments
          senescence of plants due to breakdown of   the one growth factor that yellow   showed significant retardation of wheat
          plant cell constituents and tissue collapse,   nutsedge needs a lot of – sunlight.   germination and seedling emergence
          and plant death can follow within days.   Research showed that crops maintaining   when wheat seed was sown into soya
            Ethylene, which is a gaseous molecule,   dense canopies for an appreciable part   bean residues shallowly incorporated
          finds commercial application in the form   of the growth season, which created a   into soil after harvest. This would
          of synthetic ethylene used for ripening of   regime of low light intensity during a   suggest that soya bean litter exudes
          unripe fruit under controlled conditions.   long yellow nutsedge growth period,   allelochemicals; if the growth of wheat
          Under natural conditions, ethylene can   suppressed tuber formation more strongly   could be inhibited, why can the same
          be released in the form of a gas into the   than crops that shadow the weed for   process not be followed with weeds?
          environment. It is therefore plausible   a relatively short period of time.   The allelopathic characteristic has
          that ABA, ethylene, and possibly other   A crop such as maize, planted in 75cm   already been proven for several crop
          phytotoxic allelochemicals can be exuded   rows, did not provide enough shade to   species, and is exploited in practice for
          from yellow nutsedge tubers, and perhaps   prevent yellow nutsedge from producing   weed suppression (e.g. use of intercropping,
          also from other underground plant parts,   tubers. Less light reaching the plant means   cover crops and organic mulches), and even
          to have phytotoxic (allelopathic) effects   lower photosynthesis, which results in lowered   in the quest to develop novel herbicides
          on crops that are infested by the weed.  production of energy-rich carbohydrates   from biochemical leads or precursors,
            Although the discussion here is limited   used in plant growth and reproduction.   i.e. allelochemicals, present in plants.
          to yellow nutsedge, various studies have   Tubers, as storage organs, are particularly   Hopefully more research will be
          reported similar effects (allelopathy and   strong ‘sinks’ for carbohydrates produced   forthcoming, as it makes sense and improves
          competition) on crops for its close relative,   by photosynthesis in leaves, the ‘source’.  economics if the crop can assist with
          purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus). In   Glyphosate-tolerant crops such as   controlling weeds by biochemical means,
          terms of notoriety the latter shares the weed   soya beans have made weed control   thereby relieving pressure on the use of
          status of yellow nutsedge. Globally and   easier, especially in zero-tillage systems,   synthetic chemicals such as herbicides.
          locally both species are severely harmful   and fortunately, glyphosate-resistant
          weeds. Locally, yellow nutsedge apparently   yellow and purple nutsedge have   Charlie Reinhardt is professor
          prefers dry land conditions, whereas   not been reported anywhere in the   of agronomy in the Agricultural
          purple nutsedge tends to thrive under   world, yet. The best practice herbicide   Sciences Programme at North-West
          irrigation. Both are formidable opponents   programme for nutsedge control would   University, Potchefstroom campus,
          of the farmer seeking to destroy them.  include an array of herbicide modes of   and research leader in the South
                                            action that can be applied pre-plant,   African Herbicide Resistance Initiative
          Soya bean fights back             pre-emergence and post-emergence.     (SAHRI) at the University of Pretoria.
          Can soya bean defend itself against   Do soya beans possess allelochemicals   Contact him on 083 442 3427 or
          yellow nutsedge and other weeds?   that can suppress weeds? A survey of

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