Page 32 - NEPALI_SB15_David1
P. 32

ha klnZtLx¿n] cfˆgf] jL/ k'?if
         when the philistines
        dfl/Psf] b]v], ta pgLx¿ kms]
         saw that their hero
        was dead, they turned
        {/ efu] . ta O;|fPn / ox"bfsf
        and ran. then the men
       dflg;x¿n] t'?Gt} o'4 Wjlg p7fP
         of israel and judah
       / klnZtLx¿nfO{ ltgLx¿sf] d"n9f]

        surged  forward with
        a shout and pursued
          sfx¿;Dd} v]b]/ nu] .
        the philistines to the
       entrance of their citi es.

       ta O;|fPnLx¿n]                                        t/ bfpmn]  uf]Notsf] 6fpsf] af]s]/ o¿zn]d NofP /
                                                                  but david put the philistine's
         then the

                                                                To;sf xltof/rflxF cfˆg} kfndf /fv] .
       pgLx¿sf] 5fpgL                                        weapons in his own tent and  brought
       plundered                                              the giant's head to jerusalem.
           n'6] .
       the camp of
      the philistines.

                                          ! zd"Pn !&M%@–%#
      64                                 I samuel 17:52-53
                                         I samuel 17:52-53
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