Page 10 - NEPALI_SB14_Judges4
P. 10

oL l76L c;n :jefjsL 5g\ .                 clg cGg afFw]
               This is a young woman
                                                         and a
                of g d character.                     reapers are to
                                                      sf la6fx¿af6 klg
                    olb ltgn]
                if she gleans even                    leave behind some
               la6fx¿sf] aLr–aLraf6 klg              ltgsf lglDt ltdLx¿n] s]
                among the sheaves,
                                                     extra bundles for
                 don’t rebuke her
                                                       her as we .
              lznf–afnf a6'lng\ eg] To;nfO{          xL lgsfn]/ 5f]l8b]pm .
                  for her honest
                    gxKsfcf] .

                                                                        dflns .

                          o;}n] ¿y ;fFem;Dd v]tdf lznf–afnf a6'Nb}/lxg\,   To;kl5 cfkm"n] a6'n]
                          So Ruth gathered until evening. Then
                            she beat out the grain herself. it
                          clg ha ltgn] a6'n]sf lznf–afnf dfl8g\, ta Tof] kfFr   She took it
                                                                          back to Naomi
                           was nearly a full bushel of barley!           sf lznf–afnf / cfkm"n]
                                                                          along with the
                                      kfyL hlt eof] Û                   vfP/ paf/]sf] vfgf af]s]/
                                                                          leftovers from
                                                                            her meal.
                                                                         ¿y gfcf]dLsxfF k'lug\ .

                          cf]xf], d]/L 5f]/L
                                                                              Yes, the
                        G dne, my                                          xf], cfh d}n] h'g
                                                                            man I worked
                       child! Where did                                  dflg;l;t sfd u/]F, pxfF
                         Û cfh ltdLn] sxfF
                      you glean today?                                      for today was
                       lznf–afnf a6'Nof} < s;}
                                                                            very gracious
                      Some man certainly                                 dk|lt ;fx|} s[kfn' x'g'eof] .
                       t k notice and
                      n] ltdLnfO{ jf:tf u/L ltd|f]                             to me. pxfFsf]
                        provided we
                       nflu /fd|}l;t aGbf]a:t                                    gfpF af]ch xf] .
                          for you!
                                                                                   name is
                          ul/lbP5 lg Û                                             Boaz.

      8                                     Ruth 2:15-19
                                               ¿y @M!%–!(
                                            Ruth 2:15-19
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