Page 2 - C058_Letters 2
P. 2


                        Writer:    A   A

                        Pencils:   R       B   , D     B       ,

                                   S      C       ,  M      F        ,

                                   F     N

                           Inks:   D     B       , S      C       ,

                                   J      G      , J 

 H   , C     I

                         Colors:   F        G     , K       M   H  ,

                                   E     K    
, M    M N   , B
                                   P        ,

                                   C     V

                        Letters:   Z    M

                         Editor:   K     A

         Production Design:        L    M M

          Published by Kingstone Comics                     No part of this publication may be reproduced,
                                  stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any
                   Copyright © 2020                         form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo
                                                            copy, recording or otherwise, without the prior
     Printed in the United States of America                permission of the publisher, except as provided
                                                            by United States copyright law.
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