Page 19 - NEPALI_SB17_David3
P. 19

;a} gi6 eof] .
           a  is
      lost. the philistines
       klnZtLx¿n] xfd|f] lj?4  of] kL8fnfO{ cGTo ul/b]pm .
      have routed us and  end my misery.
                      take your sword
       n8] . d]/f b'O{ 5f]/fx¿
                     ltd|f] t/jf/ lnP/ dnfO{ df/
       now my sons are  and run me through
                      gqeg] tL klnZtLx¿ cfP/
          klg dfl/P .  lest the philistines
                       d]/f] lgGbf u/]/ tdfzf
                      come and abuse
                         b]vfpg]5g\ .
                                 d of] ug{ ;lQmg,
                                  not, king
                                 saul. you
                                 are god’s
                                 clelifQm hg
                                  x'g'x'G5 .
                                 olb ltdL ub}{gf}
                                    if you
                                 won’t do it…
                                 then I wi  do
                                  it myself.
                                  cfkm}F ug]{5' .
                                    god has
                                k/d]Zj/n] daf6 cfˆgf] xft
                                 taken his hand
                                lemSg'ePsf] 5 . ca b'O{ 5f]/
                                away from me. my
                                fx¿sf] d[To'df ldNg' g} d]/f]
                               solace is to join my                cx\\ooo=====
                                sons now in death.
                                    enfO 5 .
                 strip o
              p;sf] xltof/ vf]; /                                        though the remaining
               his armor and
              cut o the old
              Tof] a'9f]sf] lz/ sfl6b]                                   o'4df xf/]/ afFsL O;|fPnLx¿
                                                                          israelite army had
               fl’s head.                                                fled at the defeat,
                   pm .                                                  efu]sf ePtfklg ltgLx¿dWo]
                                                                           some valiant men
                                                                         sf s]xL jL/ dflg;x¿ ofa]z
                                                                           from the town
                                                                          of jabesh gilead
                                                                         lunfbaf6 /ftel/ ofqf u/] .
                                                                          traveled through
                                                                              the night .
                                      put his
                                   p;sf] xltof/ xfdL
                                   armor in our
                                  e]6L:j?k xfd|f] b]jtfsf]
                                   temple as an
                                   dlGb/df /fVg]5f}F /
                                  oering to our
                                  god and fasten
                                  p;sf] d[t z/L/nfO{ Pp6f
                                  his body on the
                                   lrXg:j?k kvf{ndf
                                  wa  of the city
                                   as a sign to
                                   em'08\ØfP/ /fVg]5f}F .
                                                                          / zfpmn  / pgsf]
                                                                         they t k down
                                                                         the body of saul
                                                                        5f]/fx¿sf] d[t z/L/nfO{
                                                                         and his sons to
                                                                           return them
                                                                           3/ lnP/ uP .
                                                                           back home.
                        d[t z/L/nfO{ hnfO;s]kl5 ltgLx¿n] x8\8LnfO{
                        after they burned the bodies
                        they buried the bones in jabesh
                         rflxF ofa]zdf uf8] / ;ft lbg;Dd ltgLx¿
                         and fasted for seven days.
                                  pkjf; a;] .                    pxfF xfd|f] /fhf
                                                                  he was
                                                               our king--we
                                                               x'g'x'GYof] . xfdL pxfF
                                                              sha  honor him
                                                               / pxfFsf 5f]/fx¿sf]
                                                              and his sons with
                                                               lglDt zf]s ug]{5f}F .
     114                                    I samuel 31
                                             ! zd"Pn #!
                                            I samuel 31
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