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6    Friends oF red rock canyon

                                                                                            by Chelsea Conlin

      Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon

                               ell, things have certainly
                               changed since our last maga-
                   W zine update! But rest assured,
                 the torts are still being cared for by dedicated
                 Friends of Red Rock Canyon volunteers.

                   The winter was quiet and without incident,
                 though I did make sure to check the burrows
                 after every rain, considering Max’s dramatic
                 burrow collapse from last winter. Thankfully
                 everything went smoothly. Betty made an ap-
                 pearance on January 31 during a short warm
                 spell, but then we didn’t see any of the torts
                 again until March. By the end of the month,
                 everyone but Lucie and Willie, who were hun-
                 kered down in the shadiest burrow, had been
                 out and about.

                   Libby, who had been brumating in the safety
                 of my spare room for the winter due to illness
                 last summer, made her triumphant return to the
                 habitat on March 30.

               the Rock - Volume 10 Issue 4
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