Page 2 - Lions Club Of Progeny Tiruninravur's-Magazine-June-2018
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My dear fellow Lions & Lion Ladies,
“My mission is to take the Club towards I take this opportunity to thank you for electing me as the
greater heights --- “said Lion Dr.K.R. 5 President of the Lions Club of Progeny for the year
Kalyani, soon after being appointed 2018-2019. I would like to thank everyone sincerely for
president of the Lions Club of Progeny your support and fellowship.
Tiruninravur on 17th June 2018. The I shall make this year full of services and activities to
installation of club office bearers for the remember. It is my hope that we work in harmony together
year 2018/2019 was performed by the and increase the level of visibility of our club to the wider community.
chief guest of the night Ln.T.Rajapandian, I would like all of us to follow the District Governor’s theme for the year "SHAPE
2nd Vice District Governor THE FUTURE" also International President’s motto for the year 'BEYOND THE
and PMJF.Ln.R.Ponraj Ashok, Past HORIZON' whilst keeping to our Ethics as Lions.
Governor at Installation and Induction Fellow Lions, it is my determination to work in close co-operation and collaboration
ceremony. with all the members by respecting your ideas to deliver individual and collective
promises with commitment to serve. I look forward to carry out continuous and
regular meaningful service projects to the less fortunate in our society, and for the
environment that we live in - no matter how big or small the service or the activity
Together let’s follow the dream and deliver......
Ln.T.Rajapandian introduced the new Let’s make this year like NO OTHER ......
members and also informed them about
the Lion Club and Lionsim. Ln.R.Ponraj We shall work as one family to strive our dream to be the best.
Ashok installed the Board members and Let me close my message with a QUOTE revered by "Bhagavad Gita"-
office bearers. While installing, he
elaborated the responsibility of the each of "The wise should work without attachment, for the welfare of the society."
the Office Bearers and took oath along Finally, I would like to tell you it is my hope, dream and prayer that we transform
with the team of Office Bearers our possibilities and opportunities into stories of success behind our club.
Ln.N.K.Satesh Kumar as Secretary, and Ln. __
Lion Dr.K.R. Kalyani
Dr.R.Rathna Kumar as Treasurer for the
President 2018/2019
year 2018-2019.
Lions Club Of Progeny Thiruninravur
Past President Our Club has been
2017-2018 Lion M awarded as
.Dhanalakshmi has "Appreciation Club
been adjudged as Award" 2017-2018
the "Par Excellence from Lions Club
Award" from Lions International
Club International District 324 A6.
District 324 A6.
As the new Club leader Lion Dr.K.R. Gavel being Official pin given
Kalyani offered her thanks and best wishes officially entrusted to Ln.N.K.Satesh
to the outgoing president to the president by Kumar as
Ln.M.Dhanalakshmi, and seeked support PMJF.Ln.R.Ponraj Secretary
of all members and spouses to achieve the
Club targets.
Official pin given to Official pin given
the president by
PMJF.Ln.R.Ponraj to Dr.R.Rathna
Ashok Kumar as