Page 3 - DLYC Yearbook 2020
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Unprecedented Times. Enduring Community.
As we publish the 2020 yearbook, we are navigating changes to our club and racing season due to the COVID-19 global pandemic.
Personal Protective Equipment such as face masks and hand sanitizers are now a way of life. Our vocabulary now includes “social distancing,”“contact tracing,” and “flattening the curve.”
The DLYC’s 128 year history is storied. We’ve faced world wars, the Spanish Flu, Polio, floods, draining of the lake and world economic downturns. We’ve endured.
While we hope to sail, we are still navigating what sailing looks like, how sailing school will operate, and how our racing season happens. There are many unknowns. What is known and never changes – is the community of the DLYC.
We support each other. We come together in good times and in bad times as a community. This year you will notice a lot of throwback photos in celebration and appreciation of the club’s longevity. Whether it be new member families, or our 4th and 5th generation of members – our community endures.
The season may look different this year, but we’ll get through it together.
 Jack Stritt’s favorite saying...
“Don’t give up the ship!” – Admiral Perry
 I have come to believe that every family, every generation can look to personal examples of resilience and perseverance in difficult times.
Our example is our daughter Sarah. Our lives were changed when she was 22. A car hit her on her bike while training for a triathlon. Her spinal cord was severed and right arm almost torn off. But she lived. Always an athlete, she eventually learned how to hand cycle, snow ski and almost made the paralympics in sailing. And she married, has a child and teaches at Brown and Tufts Universities. A heroic example to us and many others.
Another example... many DLYC members know my sister Bonnie. A victim of the 50’s polio epidemic, she successfully raced first the Cub boat and her Butterfly here on Delavan. Her career was teaching deaf children. At 78, she still races as a disabled sailor on Lake Michigan and at regattas.
– Dave Everhart
 “These things come out of nowhere, and you have to deal with them. Be flexible.
Reprogram yourself.” – Sandy Cameron
    1918 (Years of Spanish Flu) Tom Beers, Age 6

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