Page 5 - DLYC Yearbook 2020
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Delavan Lake Yacht Club
Mission Vision & Values Statements
Mission Statement
The Delavan Lake Yacht Club is a family oriented voluntary sailing and social organization dedicated to the advancement of sailing. Since 1892, we have provided a location for the competitive and cooperative spirit through this sport. As respected members of the local community, we promote the conservation of the natural asset of Delavan Lake. As a member of several yachting associations, we promote the advancement of interlake sailing competition. In coordination with the Delavan Lake Sailing School, we promote the enhancement and training of sailing through the education of our membership.
Our vision is to assist in the development of sailing and social skills for members in a pleasant setting. Having produced several nationally and internationally recognized sailors, we pursue the ongoing opportunity to assist in the development of world class sailing competitors, who demonstrate good sportsmanship, citizenship and team work. With our extraordinary physical location, we see our club as a focal point for the development and enjoyment of those values which are respected by the social community.
For adult members we provide:
• a location for the enjoyment of our natural environment;
• the opportunity for competitive and pleasure sailing;
• a positive social environment in one of the finest yacht club locations in the Midwest;
• a setting to build life long friendships between families; and
• an opportunity to participate in voluntary activities which enhance the entire membership.
For young adults and children we provide:
• an opportunity to compete in the sport of sailing;
• a location for summertime group activities with peers from different backgrounds; and
• a location for the development of good citizenship, respect for others, and self esteem.
Volunteerism — As a voluntary organization, DLYC exists solely by the actions and commitments of its members. We value highly the donation of time and effort of individuals to successfully implement the development and maintenance of our programs, facilities, and grounds.
Cooperation, Commitment, and Coordination — Individual volunteerism cannot exist without the cooperation and support of DLYC members working together in a spirit of teamwork. Effective programs require close coordination among members who share the commitment to our mission and vision. While honoring individual achievement in our competitive programs, we value members working in concert as a necessary characteristic for the successful achievement of club activities.
Respect in a competitive environment — Competition is an essential part of our racing program. Especially for our young members, we encourage the demonstration of the competitive spirit grounded in good sportsmanship, self respect, and respect for others. We believe these qualities are paramount to effective leadership in competition.
Education — As we are dedicated to developing new and better sailors, education is a critical part of our existence. We recognize each race as an opportunity for learning by both young and old. We actively promote sailing as a sport and as a source for learning.
Social — While not all members compete, we value the friendly and social aspects that our club provides. Our 100 plus
years of service have produced lifelong and intergenerational friendships which otherwise would be nonexistent. Our social programs are critical and essential elements of our club. They are a fundamental attraction for the majority of our membership.
Respect for environment and nature — As our physical location and sailing programs are based in living in coordination with nature, we advocate conservation of the club grounds and the natural asset of Delavan Lake. We respect and learn from nature ways to maintain and continue the success our club has achieved.

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